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Lightning killed 27 during a hurricane in eastern India | Weather News


At least 27 people have died of lightning and four passengers have been hospitalized in a hurricane hospital in West Bengal.

Lightning strikes have killed 27 people and sent four passengers on board flights to the hospital after a severe typhoon in eastern India worsened, officials said.

Officials said West Bengal was struck by thunderstorms at the end of Monday, when lightning struck in some government areas – a spate of long-running rains from June to September in the country.

“Most of the 27 people who were killed on Monday evening … in the state were farmers and working in the fields,” West Bengal Ombudsman Javed Ahmed Khan told AFP on Tuesday.

Lightning on the roof of a house during a thunderstorm outside New Delhi [File: Prakash Singh/AFP]

The victims were mostly farmers, although some were people who just sat outside, government officials said. The storm hit six regions of the country, along with strong winds.

A plane from the western city of Mumbai to Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal, was hit by a storm as it was about to land, officials said.

Eight people were injured, and four were taken to hospital.

“One passenger was hospitalized. Some have been released, “airport chief C Pattabhi told AFP.” It was a shaved beard for passengers. “

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced the payment of $ 200,000 rupees ($ 2,746) to relatives who died and Rs 50,000 ($ 686) for each of the injured.

About 2,900 people were killed by lightning in India in 2019 according to the National Crime Records Bureau – the latest figures.

Hot springs and hurricanes are common in India before the storm season. The Meteorological Office has predicted typhoons in India in the coming days.

Rainstorms are important for the restoration of water in South Asia and cause deaths and destruction throughout the region.


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