An oil tanker off the coast of Syria has been hit by suspected terrorists | Oil and Gas Issues

Firefighters put out fires in a truck near the Baniyas factory after they suspected a drone attack, the Syrian oil ministry said.
Syria’s oil ministry has said a fire broke out in a ship’s hull after what he thought was a drone attack.
The fuel tank fire outside the Baniyas factory has been extinguished, state media, SANA, said on Saturday.
SANA also said the oil ministry said the fire had exploded “in what is believed to be a drone attack from a Lebanese watershed”.
He did not specify the details and did not specify the location of the tank.
The coastal town of Baniyas has an oil refinery, which, along with another in Homs, affects much of Syria’s demand for diesel, fuel, oil and other fuels, according to industry experts.
The country that faced the sanctions, which met the war last year met with oil as well lack of fuel, food distribution in government-run areas and rising prices.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which oversees the war in the United Kingdom, has said that the ship left Iran.
An explosion hit the ship, causing fires and destroying property, a Syrian observer added.
“It’s the first attack on an oil tanker, but Baniyas’ trading post has been threatened in the past,” Rami Abdurrahman’s chief of staff said.
Recent developments come as Iran and Israel are accused of being behind the list threats of tit-for-tat aimed at other security agencies in the two countries.
Israel has carried out hundreds of threats on Syrian soil since 2011, mainly against Iranian and Lebanese forces Hezbollah and Syrian government forces.
On Thursday, Israeli militants killed a Syrian police officer east of Damascus, apparently returning a missile fired several hours from Syria to a nuclear hideout in southern Israel.
Prior to the war, Syria was independent, but production declined during the war, which led the government to rely on the importation of hydrocarbons.
Syria in recent years has relied heavily on Iran’s oil exports but tightening Western sanctions on Iran, Syria and its allies, as well as foreign exchange, has made it difficult to secure adequate supplies.
Prewar production was 400,000 barrels per day (bpd) in Syria.
But it only represented 89,000 bpd in 2020, the Syrian Minister of Food said in February, while 80,000 came from Kurdish areas outside the state.
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