Xinjiang Surveillance Company Won Award At Amazon Event

It’s the Amazon logo behind him with illumination from the ever-expanding headquarters in Shanghai in front of him, the stadium manager gave his presentations. His company, Renwei Electronics, assists Chinese authorities in tracking prisoners and detainees – alerting security guards and placing them on heart attack.
Renwei uses “smart prisons” in China’s Xinjiang region, home to more than 1 million Muslims they have been locked up.
However, this did not deter Renwei’s warm welcome at the Amazon-sponsored party. “intermediate skills”In November. The organizers of the event gave the Renwei chief a platform to present an “investor road” exhibition – his speeches to some of China’s best-known experts. And Renwei received “new sales rewardsRecognizing that it is one of the “most well-known commercial companies.”
After posting a list of questions, Amazon declined to comment on the content. Renwei did not respond to a request for comment.
More list of foreign companies forced to relocate to Xinjiang, amid growing evidence mass arrests and forced labor there, as part of what the US and other countries have recently called executions. Congress is considering a ban on imports from Xinjiang to contaminate people under duress, and U.S. culture has already banned the production of tomatoes and cotton in the region, among other things.
Amazon Close its e-commerce business in China in 2019, but other areas of its still active empire are still working with Chinese customers, including its highly profitable cloud company, Amazon Web Services.
AWS runs a joint venture with Shanghai governments and business organizations. The site also encourages beginners by providing them with AWS cloud support and technical assistance, and helping them become more skilled and compliant with government regulations, according to promotional event. It is not known what benefits, if any, Renwei and other award-winning companies received. The website emphasizes that supportive companies also benefit from Amazon’s profiles and profiles.
Horizon Advisory, a political development company based in Washington, DC, first published the Renwei Award and an Amazon event in a survey they shared with BuzzFeed News.
Renwei Design has been used in Chinese prisons, including in Zhongjiazhuang Prison, near Shihezi city. Long is run by of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, a military and government organization that imposed sanctions on the US last year, based on its relationship to human rights abuses in the region.
BuzzFeed News is being held in Xinjiang Shawan County for using satellite imagery. Valid photo of the prison sent in 2016 shows the back door with an iron bar, and a picture of a lion on the left side of the door. Behind the gate, the road leads to a two- or three-story building. A white wall and a line of trees run along the road. The Google Earth image shows the shadow of a gate on the ground, a bright object about 2.5 feet[2 m]high that looks like an image of a lion, with the same wall east and west with a line of trees. The roof of the house also fits in with the picture.
The Chinese government has forced more than a million Muslims, including Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Hui Muslims, and others into concentration camps over the past four years. BuzzFeed News survey last year he found the government has greatly expanded its operations since 2017, creating hundreds of new facilities consisting of camps and prisons. Many people had been arrested there he explained torture, kidnapping, and common internal shame, from population growth, lack of food to beatings and even torture. The government has called the training camp “a change through education,” and a threat to extremes.
More government reporting is the New York Times indicates that Prisoners in Xinjiang have seen this trend again – the region accounting for 21% of the country’s total population for only 2% of the population in 2017. A small number of Muslims make up about half of Xinjiang’s population. Courts ruled by the Communist Party of China have convicted more than 99% of their opponents, according to the government.
Prisons in many parts of the world, including the United States, use data management systems to monitor and direct prisoners. But in Xinjiang, a government campaign especially goals Limited forms of retention for religious reasons, contact with foreign families, or other practices that appear to be questionable or a threat to the state.
Renwei explains its plan as “an important platform for digital prisons to help improve its management through information technology.” It is used for image processing, data sorting, cloud computing, and “big data” to establish a “personnel management system” that can be remotely controlled, the company says. This date is uploaded to a platform that officials can use to “make decisions.”
Renwei says this improves efficiency, and helps prison staff “discover new ideas about prevention, streamline interventions and validate what happened afterwards.” The first warning appears after police raid, Renwei reports, and when detainees enter a restricted area. Prisoners can be equipped with electronic devices that monitor their heart rate and other vital signs “to reduce accidents.” The plan helps prevent people from fleeing or committing suicide, says Renwei.
Supervised supervision is a symbol of life in Xinjiang camps and prisons. More than a dozen former prisoners were in the same prison told BuzzFeed News that they were monitored in real time by cameras mounted on the corners of their cells and in bathrooms. Guards can punish them for minor offenses, such as speaking their language instead of writing Mandarin Chinese.
Renwei has also received honors from the Chinese Ministry of Defense. The company was involved in a ministry-sponsored training meeting with the ministry and other government officials.
Onstage on Amazon festival on November 16, 2020, the Renwei chief thanked the Shanghai-Amazon Joint Innovation Center for their support. In addition to the Shanghai capitalists, the audience also included supervisors from international giants such as Nokia and Kone Elevators, according to a press release of the event.
The director spent about 11 minutes reading the PowerPoint program that runs through every aspect of business, noting that the system could not be used not only in prisons but also in public places. Eventually, she looked at the vendors and asked questions. ●
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