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Israeli COVID-19 Vaccine Reduces Plague


Photos of Jack Guez / Getty

Healthcare provider delivers Pfizer-BioNtech COVID-19 to Petah Tikva, Israel, on Feb. 1.

Over six weeks Israel begins a COVID-19 DISEASES Release of existing vaccine left the whole world following, Medical experts breathe a sigh of relief as the results seem to be starting to fade.

Earlier this week, as the country reported a final and steady decline in people aged 60 and over who were seriously ill, experts were confident they were seeing the effects of the vaccine. More than 60 people were selected for the first vaccination programs in Israel, which is why the mark is expected to appear in the COVID-19 gene.

“We say with caution, magic has started,” he wrote physicist Eran Segal of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, on Feb. 1, recognizing that cases of COVID-19, hospitalizations, and serious illnesses were all falling within the next 60 years.

In addition, a subsequent study of Israel’s largest HMOs, Maccabi Healthcare Services, shows that the Pfizer vaccine for COVID-19, which has been used in many of the vaccines given here, is as effective in the real world as it did in clinical trials, more than 90% afterwards. two powers. This was not a guarantee: Medicines and vaccines may act differently outside of clinical trial limits.

This is good news for the US and other countries hoping to emulate Israel’s success in providing the COVID-19 vaccine to its people. But what is coming out of Israel also reveals the challenges that lie ahead.

Israeli experts interviewed by BuzzFeed News were hoping that the results would be seen as soon as possible. He says the biggest decline is that the Middle East has been struggling with those who can spread B.1.1.7 type of coronavirus for the first time in the UK – now considering the passage of more than 70% of Israeli cases. And both Pfizer and Moderna have shown that their vaccine is very effective against B.1.1.7, some of the first known strains in South Africa and Brazil appear not very emotional to current vaccines, they can lead to progress if they or new types of mutations are large.

Meanwhile, Israel has been criticized by human rights groups for not expanding their immunization program in areas occupied by Palestine. And dissemination has been declining between Palestinian Palestinian citizens of Israel and Jewish Orthodox groups – which is worrying because these are the groups most affected by COVID-19.

This concerns health professionals who are watching Israel’s exit from the US, as it is happening despite the Israeli government establishing a major mechanism for communication, involving religious leaders and others in the community, in an effort to curb the vaccine available among Arabs and Ultra-Orthodox.

In the US, black Americans have existed he was brutally murdered is suffering from COVID-19 disease, and it is kale falling backwards in a vaccination campaign in the US. And even black Americans have good reason to doubt the doctors who have been given them the legacy of prejudice within the medical profession, there has been nothing in the US as a link with Israel to force groups to question the effectiveness of vaccines, Peter Hotez, a leading vaccine researcher at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, told BuzzFeed News.

Hotez fears risk among black people if vaccination remains low and dangerous forms of coronavirus can occur. “We are losing a generation of women and men and brothers and sisters,” he said.

If actual vaccination rates are delayed among African Americans it does not change from what we said @socscimed or @kff found, it indicates a disaster as the UK, Brazil, ZA variety increases year by year: Old End of Black Americans

Twitter: @PeterHotez

Israel needs to urgently vaccinate hospitals that require every citizen to become a member of the four HMOs, which operate hospitals almost anywhere in a small, densely populated country. After receiving vaccinations from Pfizer and Moderna, the nation was able to use health screening methods to pass the vaccine faster than anyone else: From Wednesday, Israel provided almost 59 shots per 100 people in the country, while the US provided about 10.

Laws on who should be vaccinated in Israel are also simpler than in the US, with elections remaining in countries based on age, HIV infection, and pre-existing diseases. Instead, Israel prioritized the elderly, encouraged everyone to shoot, and opened social media to change positions. And even with the existing infrastructure, it opened up a large outdoor security area.

“They made it easier to sign,” said Ann Blake, a co-worker at Hotez in Baylor who was trained as a medical and health professional in Israel. “If there is a residual vaccine at the end of the day, you have medical secretaries texting each other.”

Vaccination in Israel leads the world

The US, which has divided medical equipment and many people who do not have health insurance, is facing serious challenges similar to the Israeli vaccine. Blake said the nation needs to learn from what has been working in Israel, opening up more vaccination centers and reducing appropriate vaccination laws.

“We need to open stadiums across the country,” he said. “We have started to do this. We must do this on a grand scale ”

But Israel has been unable to reduce the spread of the virus. The introduction of the vaccine, on December 19, marked the beginning of a major case trial run by a major version of B.1.1.7. A nationwide shutdown was followed on December 27, making it difficult for scientists to distinguish the vaccine’s defenses from the limited spread that results from closure.

“With all these strong winds pushing things in different directions, it’s hard to imagine the effects of the vaccine,” Uri Shalit, a knowledge scientist at Technion in Haifa who specializes in health education, told BuzzFeed News.

As recently as last week, Shalit and other experts were still keenly interested in the differences between recent developments compared to what happened in October. But by this week, it was clear that Israel was seeing a decline in the number of elderly people with high levels of COVID-19 which began even though major cases continue to grow among young people.

Israelis are a dangerous COVID-19, by age

Peter Aldhous / BuzzFeed News / Through the Ministry of Health of Israel /

As the charts above and below show, the decline in the number of major cases began in mid-January, shortly after the number of Israeli seniors shooting a second vaccine. So far, more than 75% of people over the age of 60 have been shot twice, despite a slight increase in recent days – threatening some scientists. “You are tired of the first ones,” Yaniv Erlich, a computer scientist at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, who has been following a lot on COVID-19, told BuzzFeed News.

Percentage of Israelites received the vaccine, by age

Peter Aldhous / BuzzFeed News / Through the Ministry of Health of Israel /

However, subsequent research on Israeli HMOs adds to the optimism. Mu original research paper posted online on January 29 which has not yet been reviewed by colleagues, Maccabi Healthcare Services researchers tracked with more than 350,000 Israeli people 13-24 days after receiving the first Pfizer vaccine, thought to be 51% effective in preventing infection.

And in the meantime unpublished, the The Times of Israel also reported last week that Maccabi researchers found that the vaccine was 92% effective after two doses, compared to the estimated 163,000 who received the full Maccabi vaccine belonging to a non-vaccinated group. When these results stand out, it means that the Pfizer vaccine is also effective in the real world as was the case in clinical trials.

Erlich and one warned that the results could explain the effects of the vaccine. One problem is that Israeli families have received a single vaccine, providing additional protection for families who do not engage in voluntary medical testing.

But Cyrille Cohen, an immunologist and assistant professor of life sciences at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, was pleased with the reports. “It’s exactly what was predicted,” he told BuzzFeed News. “I’m always careful, but so far this is very good news.”

Images by Jaafar Ashtiyeh / Getty

A barber watching a video of Palestinian health workers vaccinating in Nablus, West Bank, in Feb. 2.

What is less encouraging is the low vaccination rate in Orthodox Jewish groups as well as in cities with a large Arab population in Israel. Many Orthodox Jews are skeptical of the vaccine and oppose restrictions on the spread of the coronavirus – highlighted by the presence of thousands of mourners at the funeral of a prominent rabbi in Jerusalem on Jan. 31, contrary to what the country has ceased to do.

And at the end of January, less than 70% of the over-60s in Nazareth, which was sometimes called the “Arab capital” in Israel, had been vaccinated for the first time – the worst in the world. In Nazareth and other Israeli cities with a large Arab population, the number of vaccines is thought to be linked to total disbelief in the Israeli government.

Another problem is the Palestinian vaccine that lives in the areas where they live. Israel has maintained that under the Oslo Accords, health is the responsibility of the Palestine National Authority, which he says he plans to buy 100,000 Doses of Sputnik V vaccine, developed by Russia’s Gamaleya Research Institute.

Forced by groups including Human Rights Watch, which says the fourth Geneva Convention requires Israel to provide medical care, Israel has begun send a few vaccines for the Palestinians. The move has also been fueled by concerns that the increasing number of unprotected people in slums – thousands of Palestinians working in Israel – will disrupt the country’s vaccination process.

The lack of vaccines in Israel means that even the world leader in the COVID-19 vaccine will have population numbers where the coronavirus still travels freely. These include children: Pfizer vaccine is only approved for children 16 years of age or older. “We will not vaccinate children under the age of 16 until we have obtained results from clinical trials conducted by Pfizer,” said Cohen, who sits on the Israeli Ministry of Health’s advisory committee on the COVID-19 vaccine trial.

As long as the virus is circulating, there is a possibility of new species, some of which could prevent current vaccines, from emerging. Pfizer and Moderna are both experimental methods to be able to respond to colors, including additional shots or new types of vaccines. But this means that other forms of human trafficking should continue to be necessary, especially if the outbreak could lead to the future of coronavirus.

This worries Hagai Rossman, a Segal researcher at the Weizmann Institute, who fears that there might be a lack of compliance. “People will not accept another blockade after vaccine protection,” Rossman said.


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