UK hugs, dining indoors while COVIDs restrict respite | Coronavirus News Plague

Restrictions to be released in accordance with government policy as vaccines run cases.
England will continue with plans to reduce some of the COVID-19 restrictions on May 17, including allowing people to hug and meet indoors, thanks to better information on disease and vaccination, the government said on Sunday.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson held a press conference Monday afternoon to create details of the third phase of the “map” of the United Kingdom to emerge from the crisis, after discussions with colleagues and advisers this morning.
“This shows what we already know – we don’t let this problem hit us,” Johnson said, according to a Downing Street report.
“The road map is still in progress, our successful immunization program continues – more than half of adults in the UK have now received the first vaccine – and we can expect to open it carefully but steadily.”
The country is planning to gradually close its recent takeover for several months, in line with a four-part plan unveiled in February.
It took its The first way to leave April while barber shops and shops are reopened, and people are allowed to eat out in small groups.
Under the next section, dining and drinking in the home in bars, bars and restaurants will also be allowed, according to some regulations, where relatives and friends meet in the home for the first time in one month – in groups of six individuals or families. completely together.
Johnson also hopes to say that people can hug friends and family outside their families for the first time in more than a year, according to the Times newspaper.
Theaters and amphitheaters will be reopened, as will some of the city’s major venues after a series of government security measures. Hotels can also accommodate guests.
On Sunday, the UK announced 1,770 new cases of coronavirus and two deaths, down from the number seen in January.
More than 127,000 people have died of coronavirus in the UK, the the highest number in Europe.
Downing Street says the latest information on COVID-19 vaccines, diseases, hospitals and deaths, as well as on the risk of adopting new species had been considered in choosing to move forward.
The autonomous authorities in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own programs to reduce coronavirus resistance.
The UK government had already confirmed last week that international travel would be allowed to resume on May 17, but major restrictions would remain in place for all except a few countries.
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