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Twitter Warning Sign For BJP Tweet


Amit Malviya was highlighted in a misleading video of police violence in Delhi.

On Wednesday, Twitter posted “user videos” on a video featuring the head of India’s ruling party in Bharatiya Janata he wrote. Posting tweets is not new – since March, Twitter has been putting them at a disadvantage and tweets from US politicians, including President Donald Trump.

But it was the first time the company had quoted a tweet from a prominent Indian politician, indicating that it could be prepared to do what its opponents did. I have been asking American media for years – following the same principles worldwide as they do in the US.

The second sketch was sent by Amit Malviya, who is known by sending falsehoods as part of its party machines. It shows one police officer in Delhi shaking a farmer, one of thousands of people in strong tears, tear gas canisters and police barriers opposition new agricultural policies in India.

The officer in charge of the paper missed out. According to the video release, “police did not contact the farmer.” Malvia’s tweet dispelled the false notion that police had not harmed the man.

But some police shot at the man shortly after he finished filming the video. True websites He said The long video shows a second police officer shaking the farmer, who later showed his injuries journalists.

Twitter it is also used subscribe to other features of the same video posted by other people.

Malviya did not respond to a request from BuzzFeed News, but a Twitter spokesman said he criticized the company’s actions against the media.

“The aforementioned Tweet was written based on our Synthetic and Manipulated Media principles,” a Twitter spokesperson told BuzzFeed News. Publishing on the brand leads people to Twitter writers in short of debunks in fact checkers and links to them.

This rule, which Twitter he announced in February, interprets “Production or production” such as photographs or films that “have been radically modified or made in a way that alters the original meaning / purpose, or made them look like other non-existent events.” The company first installed a march in March to a fake video featuring President-elect Joe Biden shared by White House director Dan Scavino and retweeting a US President’s tweet, from which he posted several Trump tweets.

But although a Twitter spokesman said the law was “enforced around the world,” the company declined to comment on some of the terms used for accounts in non-white markets. (In the past, Twitter has deleted or hidden tweets from the Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro as well as a Brazilian politician Osmar Terra for violating its principles corona virus false.)

Human rights activists have previously stated that American companies have done little to avoid the consequences of their platforms outside the US and Europe. Platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and YouTube have been accused of initiating political conversations, as well as initiating the width of the pockets in South Sudan, lynchings in India, and killing people in Myanmar.

“When it comes to false positives and other changes, companies are starting to take action, but they still have to do better outside the United States,” said Dia Kayyali, executive director of Mnemonic, a human rights organization. “We’ve seen them pour more wealth into the US and do more than anyone can imagine. Unfortunately, so far, they haven’t spent a lot of money outside of the US.”

In India, experts say Twitter was forced to tweet Malviya after being regularly invited by journalists, reviewers, and people on television. “It’s a result of years of protest,” Pratik Sinha, editor of Alt News, India’s news bulletin, told BuzzFeed News. But, he said, “this is the first step. It’s too early for a person to be happy.”

It is too early to see what results the brand may have. Posting a tweet from a prominent member of the ruling party in India could lead to problems in a country that Twitter sees as a market that needs to grow.

Politicians from BJP told Twitter “bias”Against those who follow. Last year, Colin Cromwell, Twitter’s vice president of legal services around the world, wrote a blog post entitled “Creating History Directly on Twitter India and Without Discrimination.” Three days later, the Indian parliamentary committee roasting executives of an Indian company on the pretext that the company was biased.

The sign is also important because the video that Malviya posted online was in response to a tweet written by Rahul Gandhi, the opposition leader of the Indian National Congress, the oldest party in the country and the enemy of BJP – meaning Twitter is telling the truth about one party is wrong.

Twitter declined to elaborate on why it decided to call Malviya a tweet in particular. “To find out if journalists have been changed too much or fraudulently or deceived, we can use our expertise or receive reports through partnerships with other people,” he said on Twitter.

“Members of the BJP,” says Kayyali, “cannot say anything they want because they are politicians.”


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