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The UK and the EU have agreed to agree on fishing rights

Brussels and the UK have reached an agreement on the right to fish for species to spread between the two waters, signaling the progress of pre-emptive agreements. Bakuman news next week.

The two groups announced fishing rights on Wednesday night after months of negotiations that sparked controversy over how to help catch fish while achieving environmental goals.

The agreement sets limits on more than 70 species of fish that spread between EU and UK waters. The agreement focuses on the remaining 2021 fisheries, with the water level deepening until 2022.

The talks were the first Brexit trial of the two groups by conducting fishing negotiations as two coastal states. Brussels has had similar annual discussions with other neighbors, such as Norway, for many years.

Such negotiations usually take place before the correspondence year to give fishermen an idea of ​​how many fish they can catch, but EU-UK negotiations came this year as both sides only published. future-relationship relationships in the last days of 2020.

Fishermen have been working part-time for some time, and the opportunity to support each other has already been given by a future partnership.

Both of these aspects are relevant to international law to discuss how best to manage fish that are in the middle of their waters.

EU officials say the deal has worked well, and Brussels will be able to reduce the UK’s efforts to move the amount of haddock and other fish from the North Sea offshore’s freshwater coast – which Brussels fears could endanger fish stocks. Britain also retained some of the cereals – a very important item.

Esben Sverdrup-Jensen, executive director of the Danish Pelagic Producers Organization, said the agreement was useful because we hope it will end negotiations between the EU and the UK.

But he said some of the agreements were hurt when its members already endured cutting them as part of the EU-UK agreement last year.

“There are a lot of things in the pipeline that need to be discussed and all of them were kept until the bilateral talks took place,” he said. “But we are very unhappy that we were forced to leave the top part of the Brexit agreement last year, because the UK was forced to set up a sand section with Norway pout under scientific advice.”

He estimated that the pout agreement with the sand-eel quotas would cost its members about 10,000 tons in their fishing rights, given that both shares were guaranteed to be stable.

Flashpoints during the months of negotiations included attempts by the UK to ban all fish in British waters that are part of the Dogger Bank in the North Sea region, which the UK said were environmentally sound, but which would have a significant impact on EU vessels.

George Eustice, the UK’s environment secretary, acknowledged that the talks were “difficult”.

“Our focus on fisheries negotiations has been to protect our fish stocks and to seek partnerships that will honor our new work and work professionally in the UK,” he said.

Increasing fishing rights for Scottish fishermen was a major focus of the UK on negotiations.

Mairi Gougeon, Scotland’s secretary general of rural affairs, said: “After months of instability and instability due to Brexit, the agreement will give a clear definition of the 2021 fishing plan.

“However, the reality has been that Scotland has been excluded from our market in Europe, which is seven times larger than the UK market, and the economic downturn and the impact it is having.”

The treaty will not end the conflict between France and the UK over French national sovereignty over waters surrounding Jersey. EU officials say they expect the outcome of the talks to encourage a change in relations.

British and French naval vessels both sent ships A cruise in Jersey last month after French complaints were fulfilled on fishing permits.

EU Commissioner Brexit Maros Sefcovic He is expected to meet with his UK counterpart David Frost on Wednesday next week at a conference in Brexit where recent fishing disputes will be on the list.

Virginijus Sinkevičius, EU Commissioner for Fisheries, said Wednesday’s agreement would help “make the most of our water resources”.

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