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Snapchat is showcasing new AR models and many other ‘integrated’ camera technologies


Snapchat has just revealed some of the highlights on its central camera. The company showcased the latest developments, announced YouTube partnerships with other companies and introduced some technical features of its camera.

Starting later this year, Snapchat users will be able to share clips from YouTube and YouTube Music directly to Snapchat. The app already supports the same integration with SoundCloud and Twitter, but adding YouTube support should be an opportunity for support. Snap has also announced a new integration with Bumble, which allows users to send selfies with Snapchat Lenses within the dating app.

For more realities, Snap looked for new lenses. Thanks to a new type of “connected” lens, users will be able to support each other in AR even when they are in different locations. Snap agreed and Lego on the first version of such lenses, but has opened the technology through its Lens Studio.


Some companies are also finding exciting ways to get the latest Snapchat technology. Arte-maker Artiphon is bringing more “weapons” into Snapchat lenses. With lenses, users are able to “play” a variety of devices by connecting to AR animation.

Snap also shed some new light on his recent experiments to create his own camera more. Snap glasses do not always work for people with dark skin, a problem that has led some readers to specify that Snapchat and other apps “White” their faces.

According to Snap, this is because the camera technology has already been fixed on bright skin. Now, the company is looking to redesign the way its camera works to work the same way for people with full skin. It also makes its camera accessible to others through its Camera Kit platform.

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