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Many cemeteries, Justin Trudeau, and Gaza | Gaza

Justin Trudeau is a liar.

The Canadian prime minister has confirmed that he is a faithless chameleon, who, when necessary, is ready to paint a picture of himself and show banal ideas – all with the honesty of a mannequin.

The latest evidence that Trudeau is a traitor and a traitor was received for fraudulently finding the remains of 215 children in a cemetery, unidentified in a cemetery abandoned at a “home school” in Britain.

The abducted children are just a few of the more than 150,000 children who, for more than a hundred years, were wisely abducted from their parents, their homes and their lands, then dressed as puppets and sent to concentration camps by Catholic soldiers where they were tortured mentally, physically and spiritually.

More than 6,000 Indian children died in training camps – religious injuries, loneliness, illness, neglect, violence, hunger, and violence that, together, led to the government assassination.

When word got out in late May that Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation dug the graves and many children – some up to three – were buried, Trudeau’s action was rushed to a social media site to share a shocking message when a moment of silence and respect also demanded a bigger response.

“The rest of the stories found at the old Kamloops school are heartbreaking – they are a reminder of the tragic and embarrassing theme in the history of our country. I think of everyone involved in this tragedy. We are here to support you,” Trudeau wrote on Twitter on May 28. carefully store, no doubt, within the limits of the 280 internet platform.

It is important that Trudeau’s shocking tweet is re-enacted to reflect not only his signature but also the role of the prime minister, his brutality and his illiterate history.

That, years later, the remains of hundreds of children found in shelters where they were tortured and died on their own is not “painful news”.

It is true, the evidence of the devastation that has been and continues to be perpetrated against Indians and white citizens who ignore or reject the notion that the first Canadian nations remained literally persecuted is this: genocide.

This increasingly rude refusal could lead to Trudeau’s persistent idea, filled with the notion that throwing the bodies of children born into a dry, melted pit “breaks my heart” and represents a “painful memory of a dark and shameful chapter in our history”.

The genocide perpetrated by Canadian citizens is not, as Trudeau stated, the only “chapter” in the “dark” history of the original, white and white world.

Rather, it is as, as one wise parliament put it, the “whole conspiracy” of the missionaries’ deliberate and shameless conduct – from before the Canadian Confederation in 1867 – to rule and, if possible, eradicate the Indians from their ancient beliefs, customs and traditions as part of a law defining “killing Indians by a child”.

Trudeau’s insistence that the practice, which often ends violence in early Canada, is “disgraceful” means that many Canadians have accepted, and do not, at all, acknowledge, the horrors that have befallen Indian children, women and fathers in the name of God and the country – yesterday, today and tomorrow.

He did not.

In fact, it was in 2019 that, soon after the jump, Trudeau was forced to “acknowledge” that the country he was leading was brutal but in terms of the disappearance and murder of Indian girls and women decades ago.

And last week, I think many Canadians were caught in a game between two bitter hockey players – Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal Canadiens – to give more than just “news” of their country’s urgency over the lack of 215 small corpses to many graves among the tiny bodies that have not yet been unearthed in many other tombs that have not yet been unearthed.

Thus, any “pain” that Canadians experienced when they heard of the sex they committed is possible.

A long, humorous story, at this point, is understandable: Trudeau and his followers repeatedly repeated the sacred rites to achieve “reconciliation” and to redress the racism and inhuman anger that plagued the Indians.

He pledges to address the need for Indians to have access to safe drinking water and housing. He promises to end violence and neglect of our people in hospitals. He promised to end the Indian arrests and suicides by surprise. They promise to end the need and kill Indian children and women in miraculous ways. Finally, they promise to address the issue of encroachment on land grabbing and vandalism.

All this time, deceptively and disgracefully, Trudeau and the company spent millions of lives fighting camp survivors in retaliation for the trauma they suffered.

Because of the falsehood and deception, Trudeau’s separation, a card-like greeting like “We’re here for you” did nothing to attract anyone except the terrorists or the disloyalty that the Prime Minister or his corrupt government is ready to give to the seriously injured Canadians. comforting comfort.

However, Trudeau is skilled at spreading weak gravitas through compassionate listening structures.

Recall when the Prime Minister of June knelt in front of a group of local journalists in support of the Black Lives Matter’s anti-apartheid movement during a humiliating time after airing images and videos featuring elderly Trudeau repeatedly dressed.

As a result, in Trudeau’s initial response to the cemetery’s claim that he was insufficient and unworthy of the amount of the discovery, he suddenly ordered the Canadian flag at the Peace Tower in Ottawa and other government buildings to be demolished.

This symbolic law not only tolerated his opponents but also showed that Trudeau and the country were united in grief and memory.

It was tedious, unsatisfactory work.

One day later, on May 31, Trudeau reiterated his remarks, perhaps to appease the first-class “groups” of suffering.

“These were the kids who were supposed to be happy. Above all, they need to be safe. As a father, I don’t think it would have been possible for my children to take me away. And as Prime Minister, I am appalled by the disgraceful policies that have robbed Indian children in their communities, “he said.

Ironically, Trudeau’s writings – in an attempt to publicize his paternalistic fatherhood – confirmed much of his confusion and defamation of two standards of sanctity.

Recall that not one time did Israel explode 11 days in Gaza in May that killed 66 children and left them paralyzed, heartbroken and treated many orphans – all of whom should also be happy and safe – while Trudeau also said he was “disappointed” by the fear of a friend’s beloved friend. of Canada also expelled, besieged Palestinians.

Remember, too, that Trudeau has never been the “father” of a grief-stricken Palestinian mother and father who, once again, had to courageously (without consideration) their sons and daughters “suddenly and brutally” taken away “and imprisoned for the purpose of opposing” the idea “. the shameful “violence.

Although separated by time and space, this is an inescapable fact that binds children killed by Israel in the so-called Palestinian occupation of Indian children killed by Canada in prisons formerly known as “boarding schools”: those who kill them see them as children the lost.

Trudeau will not accept this fact because, instead, it is looking for false, beautiful-post-false-positive images of who it is and what it is.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor of Al Jazeera.

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