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Causes of Face Mask Acne, and How to Cure (2021)

You can be Thinking masks have recently become a thing of the past. But like Delta and Gamma Covid-19 variants are widespread, is beginning to feel that we are back in March 2020. With masks comes something else: mascne, or mask mask, the negative effects of everyday wear.

You have probably seen a rash of red spots on the areas of your face that your mask covers, whether you are a beginner or if you have perfect skin. Acne can be painful, but it does not mean that you should stop wearing a mask. If you heal your skin and wash your face, you need to take care of it and get rid of the big bumps to prevent them from happening. Everyone’s skin reacts differently to sales and stress, so go slowly and try new ones, which can be frustrating.

Updated September 2021: We’ve added some of our favorite anti-mascne.

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What Causes Mascne?

As with acne, there are several possible causes for acne: do not wash your mask often; washing with a bitter wash; Anger that is triggered by your mask, or how often you wear it.

Masks help keep saliva and any droplets out — from breathing, talking, coughing, or sneezing — so that they do not get into the air and can transmit Covid-19 (or other infections). That’s what we want them to do, but that means they absorb moisture and bacteria inside, and affect your skin. “These masks create a seal that prevents moisture from escaping, which creates moisture where the bacteria that cause acne are able to function properly,” he says. Dylan Mustapich, a specialist in View house in New York City.

Expert dermatologist Meghan Feely likens it to acne that athletes often struggle with. “Athletes wearing helmets can develop pimples like dirt, oil, and sweat when they fall into their pockets, giving them a place where bacteria grow,” he says.

The purpose of the face mask is to prevent the virus from spreading, so if your mask is infected, you need to clean it. Bathing also helps prevent the bacteria from infecting your skin. On the other hand, some cleansers can irritate your skin. Try it gentle, without spices to see if it would help.

And if you are prone to eruptions due to anxiety, a global epidemic is something you should not worry about. Try to relax.

How To Cure Mascne

Photo: Anna Efetova / Getty Images

We cannot guarantee this: You should continue to wear the mask when you are in public. But if you don’t stay be in a group, stay home and make your skin breathe.

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