Joe Biden Leads a Little To Georgia
On Friday Joe Biden led President Donald Trump to Georgia, making him the first Democrat to win the state since 1992.
Biden leads with only 1,096 votes out of 4.9 million votes, of which 8,000 votes remained to be counted. The margins are so low that most media outlets, including BuzzFeed News, do not claim to be successful.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Friday morning there would be a reading. “At this point Georgia is very close to calling us. Of the nearly 5 million votes we have received, we will have a limited margin, “said Raffensperger. “
This figure could bring the government back to Trump.
However, the fact that Biden took the lead in the Republican defense in the south is a big factor. And Georgia’s victory could bring Biden’s Electoral College to 269 – only one shameful 270 vote needed to win the leadership. In that case, each of the three players – Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania – could move Biden to the White House.
In Georgia and the Southwest, Democrats have been working for years to interpret the candidates differently in a new 270 voting process at the Electoral College.
Preliminary results were with Trump ahead, as votes from rural Georgia came in. But Biden went ahead with strong support for unelected elections from cities like Atlanta and Savannah and their territories.
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Trump won the state by 5% in 2016, down by eight Republican Mitt Romney points in 2012. Democrats had hoped this was the year they would close the gap. In the suburbs around Atlanta, Republicans cast more votes, but those constituencies have become more popular in recent years and Biden has won the election.
Biden’s victory comes in the wake of what pro-democracy activists saw as a Republican-backed effort to secure the votes of Democratic supporters.
“Every year when Republicans take over the legislature in 2004, there are a few or more new laws that make it difficult to vote,” Vincent Fort, a former Democratic Republican senator representing parts of Atlanta, told BuzzFeed News. “The bottom line is that Republicans are losing the game. They know the only way they can win, because they will not try to divide their party, is to suppress the vote. ”
But Democrats have also been working to increase their participation in the election. After Stacey Abrams lost her 2018 chance to become Georgia’s ambassador, she strengthened her power by registering people to vote. He has said it more than 800,000 new voters have been registered with the government since 2018.
Georgia’s voter turnout appears to be significantly different from the 2020 election than it did in 2016. The number of white voters has dropped from 62% to 59% in the last four years, and about a third of state voters are now under 35 years of age.
Contrary to the president’s false claims about voting across the country, Georgia’s voting director Gabriel Sterling said on Friday he had not seen any evidence of fraud in his government. “We don’t consider it necessary to comment on such fabrications. we don’t see anything spreading, ”he said. “We are investigating every case on the basis of factual evidence to prove that this happened.”
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