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Israeli businesses register $ 368M for losses in Gaza violence | Conflicts between Israel and Palestine Issues


A powerful explosion in Israel has wreaked havoc on the Gaza Strip, with the Hamas press office estimating that industrial bases cost $ 40m and the electricity sector lost $ 22m.

Israeli businesses lost 1.2 billion shekels ($ 368m) over time 11 days fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, the country’s largest trade group said Monday.

The Manufacturers’ Association of Israel, which represents another 1,500 companies and 400,000 workers, said the loss was largely due to workers who chose to stay at home because of a non-stop Palestinian rocket in Gaza.

About a third of the working class did not go to work in southern Israel and about 10% lived in the suburbs of Israel, the agency said.

“The shortage of workers has led to significant reductions in industrial output, lower sales and lower spending,” it said.

When rockets fell on Israel, a deadly Israeli bomb across the border severely damaged the Gaza Strip, with Hamas’s press office comparing $ 40m to industrial and commercial sites and other retail sites, plus $ 22m to power supply.

Medical officials in Gaza say 248 people have been killed in the conflict, while doctors in Israel have raised 13 out of 13 people. held on the fourth day on Monday.

The Israeli government has not yet announced the number of damage cases since May 10-21.

Seventy Israeli factories have lost millions of pounds of damage directly from rocket shrapnel, the manufacturers’ agency said. It did not include comparisons that were not explicitly stated, such as prohibited rules.

In the midst of the last major conflict between Israel and Hamas, the 2014 war that lasted seven weeks, the central bank in Israel estimates that the country’s economy took 3.5 billion shekels ($ 1m), plus the same amount of damage to the tourism sector.

Ron Tomer, the agency’s president, called on the government to establish a system of payment that would help businesses in the future fight the war. The Israeli parliamentary committee is expected to discuss the matter on Tuesday.

“It’s not the time to be late and procrastinating, instead of restructuring and supporting these companies, who throughout the project have made sure they know how to work and make under the rocket,” Tomer said.

Israel’s economy is starting to recover from the coronavirus epidemic, with official data on Monday showing a 7.9% unemployment rate in April while others confirm an increase in employment. Growth is expected at 4 to 7 percent in 2021 after a 2.6% consensus in 2020.


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