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India’s Competition Authority Exploring Apple In-App Pay System

An image of the story now India seems to be looking into Apple's In-App Payment System Because The More the Merrier

Picture: Chris Delmas (Getty Images)

Monitoring Apple’s in-app payments on the App Store is a major concern among government officials these days, with several countries taking credit cards in this regard. A new report says that India’s competition regulators have also jumped on the Apple regulation bandwagon, a move that will no doubt bring a lot of attention to the problem that the company may be facing.

TechCrunch results Friday report that the Competition Commission of India, the country’s security chief, has ordered that an investigation into Apple’s payments within the app be conducted within the next 60 days. Apple requires all app developers on the App Store to use its in-app payment method and deducts between 15% and 30% of all purchases made.

The committee said it began reviewing Apple’s performance in September, according to Reuters, a nonprofit organization called “Together We Fight Society” filed a complaint. In a statement, the team said that Apple’s committees on in-app payments raise prices for developers, which makes it difficult to enter the market, and users alike.

“The presence of a 30% Commission means that some developers will not be able to go to market … This could also lead to consumer injuries,” Together We Fight Society said in a statement, which was seen by Reuters but not by the general public. .

In addition, the nonprofit claims that Apple’s policies are hurting India’s taxpayers, who pay far less than the world’s largest technology company.

Apple says it asked the agency to drop the nonprofit lawsuit, TechCrunch said, because it was younger than the Indian player. It has a point. Of the 520 million phones in India by the end of 2020, alone 2% were Apple devices, according to the global corporate analysis company Counterpoint Research. However, Apple is rapid growth in the country.

When India is found to be investigating Apple, it will connect with many countries, including the US, and blockbuster Epic v. Apple liability — those who are looking for ways to pay for a company or regulate it. Last week, Netherlands ordered the company allowing software developers to offer users alternative payment options, an idea Apple would prefer, or impose a $ 56.5 million fine.

In Asia, South Korea enacted a law this year banning Apple and Google from forcing developers to use their own payment methods within the app. On the contrary, Japan agreed and Apple that allows reading programs, which include magazines, newspapers, books, music, and movies, around the world including a single external link alternative payment methods.

Gizmodo contacted Apple for comment Friday to confirm whether it was being investigated by competition officials in India and asked to comment on the matter, but we have not heard from when it was published. We will make sure to change the subject if we do.

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