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Hurricane ‘Tree of Tree’ May Reveal Global Hottest Price


Climate researchers say the idea of ​​placing “climate trees” in a hurricane can help people understand the direct effects of global warming. This is especially true in places like North Carolina, which continue to grow along the coast despite the worsening storm surges, says Hans Paerl, a professor of water and ecology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He states: “Coastal floods are eroding flooding, and ocean level increases the risk of flooding. “It brings water forward.”

Paerl reviewed the history of floods and torrential rains since the late 19th century and found that floods caused by hurricanes had increased significantly in the last 20 years, according to a 2019 study published in the journal Natural Sciences Reports. The study confirmed that there has been a change in climate patterns leading to more rainfall in the coastal region.

In recent years, torrential rains and floods washing pig litter from pig farms in North Carolina to nearby rivers, the destruction of coastal ecosystems and the commercial fishing industry. But the floodwaters did not prevent people from moving to the area, says Paerl, who lives in Beaufort, North Carolina, 40 years ago. “Lands and buildings are increasing. People still want to build a house here. ”

And there will be no hurricane for coastal communities to face the challenges of climate change. Bullets in the air when you sound good flooding– we also live in cities like Miami; Norfolk, Virginia; and Charleston, South Carolina, according to research published in March. The researchers found that of the 40 percent of the NOAA-controlled coastline, nearly half had tested for days of catastrophic floods since the mid-19th century due to local high tides. Cities built along the coast showed significant fluctuations in water levels, the effects of rising water levels and the drowning of deep shipping ports.

As the number of tropical storms in the Atlantic has increased in recent years, NOAA officials were forced into April. recalculate statistics for storm “normal”. The new trend is now with 14 hurricanes, which range from the previous 12 averages. The reversal also includes seven hurricanes that eventually form strong winds called hurricanes. (When a hurricane reaches 74 miles per hour, it is called a Category 1 hurricane. From there, the hurricanes continue up to Phase 5, carrying winds of 157 mph, according to Saffir-Simpson Hurricane.)

Last year was the typical Atlantic season, when there were 30 hurricanes, 13 of which became hurricanes. NOAA executives are expected to announce their 2021 season on Thursday, but for now, a trading company Products, which provides information to airlines, farms, automotive companies, and other weather-dependent industries, predicts another season above with 20 hurricanes, nine hurricanes, and four major Group 3 storms or above, says Renny Vandewege , Vice President of the company working for the season.

“We think the East Coast in the United States has a catastrophic disaster this year, when, in 2020, it was west of the Gulf of Mexico,” Vandewege said. “This year we think it’s off the coast of Florida, across the Carolinas, and then the northeastern US.”

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