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Covid-19 Vaccine Problems for Sick People


In addition, antibodies are not the only defense that the body uses to make adequate defense: We also make T cells of T, B cells, and others. The experimental vaccine did not attempt to measure the number of cells needed to produce adequate protection against the virus. They just said it for themselves to the hospital end, as if someone had been seriously ill or had died of the disease. As a result, focusing too much on antibodies alone can miss important bodily functions.

“I try not to use words like ‘you haven’t responded’ to the vaccine when someone is not making antibodies,” says Haidar, senior researcher at great learning enrolls people with immunodeficiency disorder, including HIV, to study the response to the Covid vaccine. “I am worried that it could cause the vaccine to be delayed if you send it and that the vaccine will not help you. I think we should be a little more careful when it comes to the risk of certain immune systems from re-emerging from the vaccine. ”

Even in the few studies that have been done so far, it is clear that the immune response to the vaccine varies, depending on the patient’s age, the type of immunity he is experiencing, the type of transplant he received, the medication he is taking, the length of time since the transplant or the last dose, and many other things. The potential for high levels of antibodies is more pronounced, for example, in patients taking antiretroviral drugs to treat chronic infections than those who are exposed to cancer. Studies by Segev and the team show better levels of antibody production in these patients later on. one and two Dosage. But a special press, conducted by Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Louis and UC San Francisco, demonstrations different responses depending on the type of medication the patient is taking.

This could provide information on improving the vulnerability of patients, so that they can get closer to the immune system where healthy people receive the Covid vaccine. “One thing we tell patients who are oppressed, who have not been vaccinated, is the thought of using their medication,” says Alfred HJ Kim, lead author of the study and assistant professor of rheumatology and immunology at Washington University. “Obviously, if you have the drug, you can set it on fire. And if you do, it could make the vaccine even worse, or it could make the vaccine less effective. It’s very difficult.”

And, legally, doctors at the moment cannot advise patients to get additional Covid vaccine. The FDA has approved only one or two doses of vaccines that have allowed them to enter the US market. In a study by Segev’s team, doctors did not prescribe three drugs – patients received a third drug on their own, in ways that the study did not specify. The Hopkins team followed suit.

However, there is some evidence in medical textbooks that supports the use of complementary drugs. For example, the government of France encouraged the third level for anyone with adequate protection. And in the US, they have been understanding for years that a second level of seasonal flu vaccine and Large dose The hepatitis B vaccine is needed to create adequate protection in them.

But it will be necessary to gather more information to make sure. The Hopkins team is considering a multicenter trial in which patients with transient disease seeking three-quarters will be registered and followed up accordingly. And even when they are attracted to the immune system, they do not recommend that patients with the immune system resume a third shot. “There are risks to taking the third level,” says Segev. “There is a risk that the third dose will cause your immune system to develop and lead to an overdose of certain substances or substances, as you begin to make more antibodies against your implanted organ. It is important for people who go for third-party treatment to be part of the study or to do this in consultation with their doctors who have assessed its risks and benefits. ”

If such a temptation can bring knowledge—china, recently announced, is being done by the National Institutes of Health – they can do more than allow those with adequate immune systems to resume their daily activities. They can also look at the immune system and how it works with a vaccine that is not well understood. And this will be beneficial not only during the epidemic but also whatever we can do to protect ourselves from the consequences.

Information From WIRED on Covid-19


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