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Citizen terrorist programs change to self-defense when needed


Back then, the Citizen program was called Vigilante, a topic so controversial that Apple banned it from the App Store and launched a resume. As a result in 2017 it was re-established as a built-in program to warn people of imminent dangers and record events in the name of visibility.

Report of Women’s box reveals that it is not just a public display, as documents released by the sight of security vehicles in Los Angeles show Citizen is planning to offer some kind of civilian security services. The $ 20-a-month job protection company already promises “instant monitoring” and a “digital security guard” who can be called by a secure voice to direct emergency operations where you are.

According to the former employee referred to by Women’s box, the next step is to “create a stand-alone emergency response system” that connects users with secret security agencies directly. The spokesman referred to security vehicles as part of a “speedy response” and considered as an aviation service.

Just as looking at your home documentation can’t reveal the potential problems with a setup, Just last Saturday the Citizen program was aimed at a homeless person posting a picture of himself on television, he is being considered as a firefighter who is thought to have started a wildfire and promised a $ 30,000 reward for information leading to his arrest. Police announced Monday that he had been arrested for arson.

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