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Conti Rhlengware Gang Behind Ireland Attack Also Hit 16 US Health and Emergency Networks


FBI article illustration: Conti Rhlengware Gang Behind Ireland Attack Also Hit 16 US Health and Emergency Networks

Figure: Mandel Ngan (Getty Images)

The same robbers who abolished the medical system in Ireland last week has also recruited fewer than 16 U.S. medical and first responders last year, according to warning of the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced Thursday in public with the American Hospital Association.

As the first to appear on the security page Computer Sleep, FBI Cyber ​​Division alleges that the robbers used the Conti ransom to crack down on law enforcement agencies, emergency services, 9-1-1 shipments, and US Rhlengware towns and is a type of malicious program that launches victims’ weapons and stores their files so that fraudsters can pay money to get their chance back.

The FBI has not named the victims or whether the ransom was paid The attackers, claiming that these networks “are one of the more than 400 organizations that are being harassed by Conti, more than 290 in the US” added that the most recent demand is $ 25 million.

Here are the extremists who have burdened Ireland’s health system he says part of the “Spider Wizard,” a well-known cybercrime group from Russia which has been very active over the past year. The group threatened to release patient records unless Irish officials cut $ 20 million.

Last week, the ransom crackdown cut off access to patient records, forced medical facilities to ban elected individuals, and disrupted covid-19 testing in the country. The Irish prime minister, Ossian Smyth, has said called it “It is probably the most serious crime in Ireland.”


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