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Windows 11 has come out, and it looks like Windows 10X


Windows 11 is real, and much of it comes from the internet. First, Baidu user posted two OS photos this morning, revealing a central start menu with rounded corners. This gave us insight very Windows 10X shakes, especially since the OS (now defunct) OS also featured the Start menu with fixed images. As soon as the images appeared, journalists were able to install the original Windows 11 ISO and install them themselves. A lot of A major launch event for Microsoft on June 24th (or maybe the company wanted to encourage others by sending Windows fans to chase the goose).

Tom Warren pa About has been digging through a lost OS and finding precious gems along the way. Windows 11 doesn’t seem to be much different from Windows 10, a smart designer, but there are some obvious UI holidays everywhere. In addition to the rounded corners, there are new adjustments that allow you to move the window to any location on the screen. This looks a lot better than just pulling the program around and hoping Windows will do a good job. In addition, the modified app connects directly to Windows 11, making it easy to access your Game Pass names.

sdra_owen / Baidu

Now that we see what Windows 11 really looks like, it makes sense why Microsoft abandoned 10X altogether. The OS was designed for on-screen devices such as the Surface Neo, but last year Microsoft announced it was drive to a single computer system. But Microsoft hasn’t had a very good reputation for Windows 10 types – don’t forget how messy it is Windows 10 S fiasco was. Now that we have six years left from Windows 10 installation, it makes sense to jump to the new OS. Hopefully, it will also help fix Windows on tablets, ARM tools and dual PCs. (Really, Surface Neo, Microsoft ?!)

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