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US to distribute less than 20m vaccine to other countries


Joe Biden says his supervisors have sent at least 20m of US-approved Covid vaccine to other countries in the coming weeks, promising to provide “a global vaccine”.

In a statement to the White House on Monday, the US President called on the government to distribute at least 20m of BioNTech / Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines to the rest of the world by the end of June. 60m range AstraZeneca vaccine has already committed itself to other countries.

Pfizer, Moderna and J&J jabs have been approved for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, while the AstraZeneca vaccine is still awaiting approval. Biden said much of the jab is exported after receiving a green light from the supervisor.

“For the next six weeks, the United States of America will send 80m standards overseas,” Biden said. “This is the largest vaccine the world has ever shared so far, five times more than any other country. More than Russia and China, which have provided 15m standards. ”

He added: “We want to lead the world with our beliefs, and show that we have the skills and abilities and patience of the American people.”

Biden did not say which countries would receive the drugs, but said he had hired Jeff Zients, a White House Covid-19 spokesman, to lead the process.

“We will share this vaccine to end the epidemic, and we will not use our vaccine to gain international attention,” Biden said, adding that the announcement was part of a major US effort to “respond” to the epidemic around the world.

“We must help fight the disease around the world to protect us at home, and to do the right thing to help other people,” he said.

Biden was he has already said that the US could distribute more vaccines only if there were enough jabs to meet American demand, although some international leaders and health officials have offered assistance to countries that are struggling to get enough jabs.

“By the end of June, when we have vaccinated enough to protect everyone in the United States, the United States will share about 20m of the drug, with other countries,” Biden said.

About 40 percent of the U.S. population now has a vaccine, though cover is beginning to decline in some parts of the country.

Biden’s announcement comes a week after the FDA issued an emergency approval for a vaccine 12- to 15-year-olds. The president said the most recent statistics show that 60% of Americans would have received a jab of approximately Covid-19 by Tuesday.

“We still have tens of millions left to vaccinate. But we are making great progress, ”he said. Each day, the light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter. ”

The president also mentioned the recent changes from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which he said last week that people with complete immunizations could go to no face mask almost all internal and external preferences.

Sudden changes have caused quite a stir, especially in cities and regions where local law still requires a lot of coverage, or businesses have their own secret policies.

Biden on Monday urged people to “be kind and respectful to each other as we emerge from the epidemic, and to respect those who want to continue wearing masks, even when vaccinated”.

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