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Uber says March has been the biggest month ever


As the COVID-19 vaccine becomes more widely available, things are “returning to normal” for racing companies like Uber. According to Wall Street Journal, Uber’s “travel” business, which includes horsepower accommodations, had a very good month since March 2020, when the epidemic reached its peak in the US. All in all, Uber had a history of March, when total resilience reached the highest level in corporate history.

Uber’s food service continues to thrive during this difficult time, the company announces a WSJ This demand is making the messenger available. This is not surprising, as various Uber services have been great saving grace in the year that the riders went down.

The timing of the story is unusual, as Uber is expected to report its findings in the first quarter of May. But talking about the end of the month can help to raise prices and also help the company find more drivers and get people on the road because the demand is still increasing. This means that, considering that STIs do not continue to grow in the US. Uber may have some good news, but it’s not true that the same thing doesn’t change.


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