‘Trek to Yomi’ is a Kurosawa-inspired game of 2D samurai coming in 2022
If you have played in The Spirit of Tsushima in the Kurosawa system and it has left you wanting to do more of the movie theaters, you will want to watch Journey to Yomi. Announced today at the E3 Devolver Digital event, the 2.5D segment viewer sees you in the game as a young samurai who is responsible for defending their town and its citizens. You will encounter human and natural enemies. As Tsushima, game Trying to emulate Akira Kurosawa’s video format. If we look at the trailer, it also works well.
Produced by Flying Wild Hog by Leonard Menchiari, Journey to Yomi will be released on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X / S and PC in 2022.
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