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TikTok joins Instagram to test its creator registration


Soon Instagram started for manufacturers, TikTok says it could be . The project is looking for a platform that would allow facilitators to pay for some of the revenue they share in the program, such as initial report.

TikTok subscriptions are being tested a bit, which is why you may not see your favorite developers using them anytime soon. The platform did not say much about how the service works. “We are always thinking of new ways to bring benefits to our community and enrich the TikTok experience,” a The Prophet told Engadget.

As per the preferences of , and , TikTok allows viewers to do so for promoters who have subscribed to the Creator Next program. Users can also purchase and send real gifts to manufacturers.

Given that some of its revenue-generating strategies and the fact that competing platforms have received subscriptions, it is not surprising that TikTok is following this trend as well. In 2020, TikTok supporting manufacturers.

Meta also costs a lot of money on motivators. The company said last year it did by the makers of Facebook and Instagram favorites by the end of 2022, I hope . CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the company does not reduce its revenue . Instagram subscriptions are only available to very few developers at the moment, but there are plans to launch more in the coming months.

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