The world’s oldest man pulls out a flashlight at the Tokyo Olympic Games | Olympic issues

118-year-old Kane Tanaka has raised concerns about COVID-19’s removal as officials add to the closure.
The world’s oldest woman, a 118-year-old Japanese woman, has decided not to take part in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic flames over allegations of coronavirus, said a caregiver at her nursing home on Wednesday. large plus the potential for additional closure.
Kane Tanaka, who has been named in the Guinness World Records, is expected to be one of the participants in Fukuoka in southern Japan, starting on May 11, the official said.
“We received an email from her relatives who said they wanted to leave the trip as she and her family are worried about spreading the virus to a nursing home,” he said.
The power of the Olympic torch, which began in March, has deteriorated due to the proliferation of coronaviruses in Japan, which led to their being established in major cities including Tokyo and Osaka.
Six people who helped light a flashlight were found to be in possession of COVID-19, leading Tokyo 2020 said on Sunday, indicating that the total number of cases affected by the incident reached eight.
Some celebrities who were supposed to take part have left the venue for security reasons.
The government is considering increasing the number of emergency measures announced last month, the Yomiuri Newspaper on Wednesday.
According to reports, officials are hoping to extend the route to Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo by May 11.
Constant doubt
Osaka says the new 884 cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, according to the NHK community correspondent, and the number of hospitals for critically ill patients are said to exceed 99%.
As the trial continued, Osaka’s ambassador to office Yoshimura Hirofumi doubted on Tuesday that the emergency in the western part of the country would end.
Daily litigation remains high in Tokyo as 609 cases were reported Tuesday. At least 65 patients are said to have a serious problem.
The development of these strategies, which was launched on April 25, should boost the skepticism of fans as the Games, which are set to kick off on July 23, could continue as planned.
The game was already delayed by one year due to the epidemic.
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga is meeting with cabinet ministers on Wednesday to discuss the extension, a Yomiuri report cited unnamed.
He did not specify the length, but the Osaka provincial governor said an additional three weeks a month would be necessary, according to some reporters.
A press conference at Suga’s office went unanswered. Japanese government buildings and financial markets closed on Wednesday during the annual Golden Week holiday.
In the wake of the emergency in Tokyo and other urban areas, the government has ordered restaurants, bars, and bars to close.
Supermarkets and cinemas have also been closed and spectators have been banned from major games.
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