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The World Needs ‘Amber History’ TV TV


Roger Zelazny began publishing scientific fiction in the 1960s with a number of confusing stories that combine intricate interactions with simple, pyrotechnic visual cues. One of her favorite is author F. Brett Cox, who has just published a book about the author.

“It’s hard to say that his work affects the people he loves the most,” Cox said in Section 467 of Geek design in Galaxy Podcast. “In my fictional myths, I have been using all my work to try to write something that will affect everyone as strongly as the final sentence of ‘The Tale of the Preacher’ it affected me the first time I read it. ”

In the 70’s and 80’s, Zelazny did very well with his 10th book Amber series, but critics saw the sword and the legend as a threat to his skills. Cox believes that a difficult alliance of Amber it is high, exaggerated.

“There’s often a difference between what we as students or critics want the books to do and what the books do,” he says. “And I think Amber the list is an excellent example of what books can do. It allows readers of the world to engage with them and become part of them. They just use them. ”

And while Zelazny’s tedious history may have faded over the years, his style, intriguing style of storytelling, has had a profound effect on a number of fictional writers. “I wrote from a few young writers at the end of the book about how Zelazny contributed to their work,” Cox says, “and I am well aware that he is one of them, and probably all, Amber it was a gate – a Amber the books are what brought it. ”

Zelazny is still unknown outside of science fiction, but Cox hopes the video or TV series could make a name for himself, as was the case with Zelazny’s close friend George RR Martin.

“A few years ago there were now story Robert Kirkman, who said The Walking Dead, I want to do miniseries a Amber History, ”Says Cox. “There has been speculation that this may lead to some awareness.”

Listen to the full interview with F. Brett Cox in Section 467 of Geek design in Galaxy (above). And see some of the highlights from the discussion below.

F. Brett Cox on Zelazny’s personality:

“[Zelazny] was always connected to Samuel R. Delany, and was also a close friend of Harlan Ellison. It is an interesting contrast, for they were of great age and were well known. And the fact is that we all know how much Harlan Ellison wrote about her, and Delany wrote a lot of writing. But Zelazny did not. … I talked to people, as far as I could, who knew Zelazny – among the people I knew or could find, and it was consistent that they were all respectful to him. No one had any negative sayings about him, and it was exciting to learn. Also a few people realized that, as he says, he kept to himself. We were always a little farther away. “

F. Brett Cox on Zelazny Opposition:

“Regarding Zelazny’s monograph studies, there were original from Carl Yoke, a longtime student of science fiction, and a close friend of Zelazny – growing up together in Ohio. And there it was Krulik’s book, and then there was Lindskold Book. There is a quote from Lindskold in his introduction to one of the NESFA Press publications collected stories, and his claim is that Zelazny wrote some of the words that seemed familiar because of his preferences. Growing up reading it, he loved these myths, and he wrote them because he wanted to. ”

F. Brett Cox on the subject of writing:

“A well-known and well-documented story is very difficult and endless. … Obviously Bradbury is still a science fiction writer and people know it even if they don’t read science fiction, and Philip K. Dick has joined in. Also when you look [Zelazny’s] modern people, people like Delany, like Ursula Le Guin, like Joanna Russ, especially like JG Ballard, [they all] became known outside the science fiction – Michael Moorcock is well-known in modern British literature – and Zelazny did not. And I have no answer for it. ”

F. Brett Cox on Zelazny and Moorcock:

“Moorcock was changing New World and wrote the book Norman Spinrad Bug Jack Barron, was criticized in Parliament for publishing obscene material. And Zelazny was also moved. He published the good of Creatures of Light and Darkness inside New World, and some of his short stories there. The most exciting moment in the letters I read in the libraries between Zelazny and Moorcock is when the Moorcocks just say, ‘Give me more. Write something down. ‘It is amazing how some writers of his day respected his work, just as some writers in the 1960’s were amazed by what he did. ”

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