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The DHS has issued legal regulations for the protection of plumbing companies


Follow-up The colonial colonial invasion which has led to a shortage of oil in some parts of the US, the federal government wants to introduce a law to establish safety at pipeline companies for the first time. According to Wall Street Journal, the department of Homeland Security and Transportation Security Administration (the same TSA that decides whether to board a plane or not) will soon need pipelines to notify government officials of criminal arrests.

They should notify both the TSA and the Cybersecurity and Infource Security Agency (CISA) of any incidents and use the cyber security officer and 24/7 directly to those areas. They should also test their performance if they are at risk. According to Washington newspaper, The TSA will issue “stricter” rules outlining how pipeline companies must protect their networks and respond to hacks “in the coming weeks.”

“This is the first phase, and the department sees it as the first phase, and it will be followed by a very strong law that sets out the requirements for a stable and flexible professional environment,” the Department of Homeland Security said. Washington newspaper.

Pipe protection collapsed under the TSA regime in 2002 as a result of the September 11, 2001 threats. In particular, the agency focused on protecting pipelines from physical threats such as terrorists. It only offered its first cyber security advice in 2010, and even then, that was voluntary. It is not uncommon in the US. Many companies that oversee essential infrastructure, including projects such as dams, do not have the qualifications to comply with the government. President Biden recently signed an administrative order which affected some of these.

Where things get complicated is that security protection is not strong for the TSA. In 2019, the agency reported that it had only five staff members trained to deal with cyber security monitoring and implementation. The Department of Homeland Security is planning to recruit people for TSA and CISA and advise them to work together.

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