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The back launches its first wireless ears without cords


About the year of the CES, Shure delivered his actual wireless ears called Figure 215 – also produced examples the second type This September. Both groups, however, come with earwax. Now, the company has developed a new type of wireless headphone jack with “traditional” designs that you can share with the sales team. It is called Aonic Free, and although it may be larger than its competitors in the market, it has no hook.

The Aonic Free prevents noise from entering your ears with its foam leaves and shape. It can listen for up to seven hours, while its carrier can charge up to two hours for 21 hours of battery life. Earphones also have a built-in camera that allows one hour to play within 15 minutes of the case.

You can adjust the volume and play, as well as make phone calls and record once per head. If you want to change the shape of the button, you can do so using the company program. The app also gives you the option to customize the settings you want to enter when the Environment Mode is turned on, change notifications and allow you to play regularly and hire music files. Shure’s Aonic Free is now available from retailers and company page for $ 199.

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