Business News

Texas passes new voting bans


The Republicans of Texas were ready to pass a new law enacting a law banning voting in the second most populous country in the United States, in a recent violent election seeking to reduce the chances of voting across the country.

The new law in Texas will ban mailings, driving and voting Sunday – highlighting the voting restrictions imposed by other Republican-controlled countries including Florida and Georgia this year.

It would also help incumbents to challenge the election results through the courts – as former US President Donald Trump did not do well in the 2020 election against Joe Biden.

The Texas law was approved by the Lone Star Parliament earlier this week after a midnight dispute with Texas Democrats who strongly opposed the law. It is expected to be approved by the lower house of parliament in Texas on Sunday before it is signed by Greg Abbott, the Republican ambassador to the law.

On Saturday, Biden issued an angry statement saying Texas law violates “sacred voting rights” in the United States.

“It’s the part of democracy that we’ve seen so often this year – and it’s often targeted at black and black Americans,” the US President said. “It’s wrong and it’s not America. In the 21st century, we need to be simple, simple, for everyone who is eligible to vote to vote,” he added.

Jaime Harrison, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, called it “Jim Crow 2.0, simple and straightforward” in a tweet.

Democrats in Congress are trying to curb Republican barriers to voting by blocking federal legislation that would restrict certain restrictions and give them the opportunity to vote. But even though legislation passed the House, it was suspended in the Senate, where most Democrats are not strong enough to deal with Republican opponents and win 60 percent of the votes needed to pass legislation.

Voting restrictions passed Georgia earlier this year sparked a dispute between Republicans and American companies, with many large companies under pressure from co-workers and the public to openly reject laws that bar people from voting.

The crisis has come at the top of the controversy thanks to the support of many Republican lawmakers in Trump’s attempt to deal with Results of the 2020 elections. But Texas law shows that Republican lawmakers bet that their business partners will not get along well with the party because they still support their many goals including lower taxes and fewer laws.

Texas voting law was enacted as the independent government moved slowly to the left, while Democrats were able to win international elections and force Republicans to secure their chances there.

When Trump defeated Hillary Clinton by nine runs in 2016, he beat Biden by six titles in 2020. Texas has the second largest delegation in the US Parliament and the second largest college voter turnout in the presidential election, making it a major prize. to all.

In addition to pushing the boundaries when it comes to voting, Texas Republicans have also tried to reduce it abortion freedom as soon as six weeks into pregnancy, while releasing gun laws allowing people to carry weapons without looking at it.

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