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Telegram eventually increases the playing of video videos in public


Long wait for the video team to call The purchase is over. With the latest version of iOS, Android and Telegram apps, users are able to edit their public chats on conference videos. You have the opportunity to press someone’s video feed on your screen to sit in the front and take part where new students can join. Not surprisingly, you can share a window if you want to set up a show or want to show something. Here, you have the opportunity to share all of your cameras on the screen at once.

With the release today, public video conferencing is limited to the first 30 participants, but it is the Telegram number that is said to be growing “soon” amplifying voice chat to support live events and new content. You can participate in a group of videos on your phone, as well as on tablets and computers. With these latest tools, Telegram will take advantage of the additional sales pitches that allow you to get a better view of all that is going on. In particular, on tablets you can open the side viewing section to view the screen view along with a group of participants in the screen and the list of all invitees.

While reading the message does not increase the video playing of the teams any later than their competitors, they have been waiting a long time for the app to come to the messaging app. , Telegram said it would increase the video playing in the audience sometime later this year. The end of 2020 came and went without release. Then, about a year after his first announcement on the topic, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov said that the company would release the weapon sometime in May. Obviously, Telegram also missed the deadline, but now that video streaming on the last group is in the app, you should consider that most Telegram users would appreciate the addition.

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