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SpaceX wins NASA Artemis luner lander alliance


NASA he has chosen SpaceX to develop weapons to take people to the Moon for the first time since the Apollo program was launched in 1972 – first described by Washington Post. Organization he announced SpaceX won the Artemis luner lander contract at a press conference this afternoon. The company knows The Origin of Blue (linked to top athletes like Lockheed Martin) and Dynetics champion to win a $ 2.9 billion contract. It is already expected that NASA will select two companies.

NASA prefers to select a number of contractors from its core programs to promote competition and ensure that there are a number of options if the supplier is not able to do what they want. It chose all three on the first phase of the contract last year but has decided to move to SpaceX.

The company set up Starship for the missions of Artemis. Even SpaceX has been encountering difficulties with spacecraft that can be used for testing (all prototypes have been damaged and / or exploded so far), NASA seems confident that the company can find it successfully. SpaceX is planning to take Starship round by the end of this year. The commission also noted that the Starship project was completed.

The alliance is a major victory for SpaceX. It is already working with NASA to transport astronauts to and from the International Space Station, with the next task scheduled for April 22nd.

When the Artemis program was run under Trump’s administration, the aim was to return meteorologists to the Moon in 2024, but the timing of this work is illuminated. NASA does not have the funds needed to complete the project by 2024 either. The agency plans to exclude a mother and a black woman for the first time through the program, and it has been integrated a list of qualified professionals for initial services. NASA also says it will conduct an unexpected test and arrive at the moon before sending people out.

Edit 4:25 PM ET: By teleconference this afternoon, NASA confirmed SpaceX was awarded the Artemis contract. This message has been modified to reflect the official announcement.

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