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Lego shows up on Luigi’s next list of wise sayings


On the downside as one of the smartest marketing companies in the near future, has begun to tell Luigi to make himself available to follow a new firmware program. In a tweet he saw , a Twitter user named Jay Phoenix how the inviting plum salt asks for her brother when he wakes up. “Luigi. Luigi? Luigi! ”The toy says.

All indications are that Lego will release Luigi sometime soon. “Now this is the best way to find his missing brother,” the company replied in response to a question from a person who asked him about the changes. . “We’ve noticed that Lego Mario has started calling him, we’re looking forward to seeing why this will happen soon. Listen!” According to Phoenix, Jin says, “I work as a salesman and we have Luigi’s note on August 1.”

It would not be surprising to see Lego add other colors to its Super Mario series. Start coming out with this line , the company has grown to which makes it easier to design your courses. And the idea of ​​allowing people to create the Mario Maker design standards seems to have drastically changed Nintendo and Lego fans.

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