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Sleep Changes Before the Brain. Hydras Is A Living Proof


Hydra is a simple creature. In less than half an inch, his body tubes have a foot at the end and a mouth on the other side. The foot clings to the surface of the water – a plant or a rock, perhaps – and in its mouth, everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, wherever there are water mites. It has no brain, or even a nervous system.

And yet, new research shows, sleeps. A group study conducted in South Korea and Japan found that hydraulics regularly rest in the air, meeting the requirements for sleep.

In his eyes, it may seem impossible. For more than a century, sleep researchers have been studying the purpose and structure of the brain. They have searched for sexual connections with memory and learning. They read neural circuits that force us to sleep meaninglessly and pull us out. He wrote about the powerful changes in the brain waves that show our different sleep patterns and try to understand what is driving them. The mountains of exploration and daily human experience confirm human sleep brain connection.

But the opposite of these ideas about sleep has been discovered. Researchers have discovered that molecules produced by fillets and some bribes outside of the nervous system can regulate sleep. Sleep affects the body’s metabolism, showing that its energy level is not limited to the brain. And a group that has been growing slowly but steadily over the years has shown that simple organisms with a smaller brain spend more time doing what appears to be sleep apnea. Sometimes their systems were changed to just “like sleep”, but the more information is acquired, the less clear why the difference is important.

It seems that ordinary creatures – including, now, the brainless hydra – can sleep. And the impressive significance of this discovery is that the first phase of sleep, which has been deposited billions of years in the history of life, was probably very different from the human mind. If sleep does not mean the brain, then it may be a greater event than we think.

Sleep Recognition

Sleep is not the same as drowsiness, or coma, or alcohol abuse, or any other stable condition, wrote the French sleep specialist Henri Piéron in 1913. Although all had similar problems, everyone had his own form, as well as daily disturbances. to our knowledge it was especially strange. Going without it made a person nervous, confused, unable to think clearly. For researchers who want to know more about sleep, it seems important to understand what it does with the brain.

As a result, in the mid-20th century, if you want to learn sleep, you become an expert in electroencephalograms, or EEGs. Placing electrodes on people, cats or rats allows researchers to accurately predict when the head is asleep and how it is lying. This approach brought a lot of information, but it did not discriminate in science: Almost everything we learned about sleep comes from animals that can have electrons, and sleep patterns were better interpreted depending on how the brain interacts with them.

This is frustrating Irene Tobler, a sleep specialist working at the University of Zurich in the late 1970’s, who had just begun studying the rooster’s curiosity, was curious as to whether deer-free animals slept as much as animals do. After reading Piéron and others, Tobler realized that sleep can also be described morally.

He developed several methods to detect sleep without an EEG. Sleeping meat does not move around. It’s harder to wake up than just breathing. It can take a different shape from when you wake up, or it can look for a specific place to sleep. When you are awakened, you are doing better than being lazy. And Tobler added another dimension, derived from his work with rats: Sleeping animals that are disturbed later will sleep longer or deeper than usual, a condition called sleep homeostasis.


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