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Simple Ways to Make Your Memories


Very good memes it’s funny, used at the right time, and said the right thing. It’s easy to just catch them offline, but sometimes the best is what you make, the best for now. They can be fun, but they can also be very funny.

If you are suddenly struck by a sense of humor, the good news is that these memes are easy to make: you don’t need much art or art, a good idea (and a good time.)

Whether you are on your computer or phone, here are the apps and tools you need to start making meme.


Canva has many features but is easy to use.

Canva via David Nield

Canva provides useful graphic design tools for anyone from beginners to industry experts, and there are even built in Meme generator as well. Dinani Create a New Meme and you are on the move, though you need to sign up for a free account if you want to save and send your design.

You find it useful Pictures tab if you want to modify an existing meme, or you can edit it Notes to choose your image. Use Scriptures Download tool on top of the image you have selected: Canva gives you several options when it comes to text, effects, dye and size, and this is one of the best ways to enhance your meme format. Canva is also available at Android and iOS apps.


Imgur sticks to the basics but does it well.

Imgur via David Nield


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