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Sony will continue to sell PSP games in PS3 and PS Vita stores

You’re not missing out on the benefits of the PSP digital game right now. When Sony changed His decision to close the PS3 and PS Vita retailers back in April, also said that “the PSP’s commercial operations are set to retire on July 2, 2021 as planned.” While this could be interpreted as Sony pulling the plug on all PSP downloads, a new language has emerged US and UK PlayStation games (as seen Kotaku) shows that this is not the case.

The PSP game store was closed in 2016, however you can still find competitive games through the PS3 and PS Vita markets. Now that the storage space is not closed, you will be able to download PSP games through them, even if there will be limitations in the future. Starting July 6, you will not be able to search for games on PSP itself or purchase any game. Kotaku states that the information first appeared on the UK page on June 28, and does not refer to the next July 2 issue.

After Sony backtracked on its plans to close PS3 and Vita stores, Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO Jim Ryan said it was clear the company had “made the wrong decision.” It is not clear whether banning PSP users from seeking positions or purchasing games with what Sony had in mind after claiming it would terminate the contract “functionality”, or whether it has reversed its decision as was the case with the closure of PS3 and PS Vita. Either way, the important thing is that the PSP digital library will continue to be available for now.

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