Seeing medical weapons in the Middle East | Infographic Stories
On April 29, 1997, the Chemical Weapons Convention – which prohibited the manufacture, manufacture or storage of medical equipment – came into operation.
Since then, more than 70,000 tons of storage and electrical service units have been breached. According to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), 193 states, or 98 percent of the world’s population, now live in safety by the convention.
Only four countries have not signed or ratified the convention. Also included: Egypt, South Sudan, North Korea and Israel (signed but not approved).
Types of pharmaceutical agents
The program of Products has divided five types of drugs used as weapons. These include:
1. Irritating
The gas-treated chemicals damage the nose, throat, and lungs, causing the victims to choke. When it breathes, it causes air sacs in the lungs to secrete water, which immerses those affected.
2. matuza
Oily substances that breathe or are irritated by contact, which affect the eyes, respiratory tract, and skin, cause large tumors such as overheating. Exposure to these agents – dispersed as steam, water or dust – can cause skin and permanent respiratory damage.
3. Blood users
This limits the ability of the cells to use and transfer oxygen, allowing the body to breathe. Blood users often enter the body to breathe and damage vital organs including the heart and lungs.
4. Nervous system
This dangerous drug promotes the nervous system, which can cause shortness of breath, vomiting, headaches and blurred vision. Excessive doses can lead to coma and muscle weakness. Fatty acids usually enter the skin and lungs.
5. Supervisors of violence
The ones that control violence such as tear gas are a group of drugs that cause irritation of the eyes, skin and breathing. Supervisors of violence are considered to be medical devices if used as a means of war but may be legitimate by law enforcement, including domestic violence.
Where have medical equipment been used?
Medical equipment was first used during the First World War. Toxic chemicals, including chlorine oil, phosgene, and mustard gas, were used by German and then British troops, killing at least 1.1 million people during a four-year war.
In the aftermath of the war, in which there was intense anger, a number of countries signed the Geneva Convention in 1925, which prohibited the use of chemical weapons. The law, however, did not prohibit the manufacture, manufacture or storage of such equipment.
Despite the ban, medical equipment was still in use for the next few decades, including the Italian-Ethiopian War (1935-1936), the China-Japan War (1937-1945) and World War II, when Nazi Germany used deadly gas in the United States. concentration camps to kill civilians.
In the Middle East, during the war in Yemen (1963-1967), Egyptian troops used mustard gas and nerve agents to help compete with the Yemeni kings, killing 527 people.
Ten years later, during the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988), Iraqi forces used chemical weapons against Iran, killing more than 50,000 people. In 1988, medical equipment – believed to be sarin and mustard gas – was used by Iraqi forces against the Kurdja city of Halabja in northern Iraq. About 10,000 people were killed in the attack.
During the Gaza war of 2008/2009, Israel used drugs pure phosphorus, which can burn more people and burn down houses. Israel has refused to sign the 1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty, which imposes nuclear weapons laws, and ratifies the Mechanical Treaty, which obligates states to control and destroy their own resources. Israel has long maintained what it calls “misunderstandings” over the issue of whether it has nuclear or medical weapons.
Medical equipment in Syria
In 2011, protests against demonstrators and Syrian government forces took part civil war. On July 23, 2012, a spokesman for the Syrian Foreign Ministry confirmed for the first time that Syria has medical equipment but could be used in the fight against “foreign atrocities”. Five months later, on December 23, seven people are said to have been killed by a deadly gas bomb at Homs, which the US has blamed on Syrian forces.
Earlier on August 21, 2013, hundreds of people were killed when government troops fired rocket-propelled grenades in areas around Damascus in Eastern Ghouta. UN investigators found “clear evidence” that the sarin gas was used. Evidence suggests that the Syrian government is to blame – which Damascus has denied.
For the next four years, hundreds of suspects were suspected of carrying out chemical weapons, allegedly by the Syrian government and the ISIL (ISIS) militant group.
According to the Global Public Policy Institute in Berlin, GPPI, between December 2012 and May 2019, 349 medical weapons were deployed throughout Syria killing 1,961 people and injuring 18,790.
It was found that 67% (233) of these threats had medical equipment being used. Choline agents used used at least 65 percent of the cases followed by sarin gas (5%) and sulfur mustard (2 percent).
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