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Computer-powered hedge fund group AQR Capital Management and removing five friends from his group and cutting off his bond arm, continuing to lower his job after several years of weight loss due to multiple marketing strategies.

A $ 137bn group led by Clifford Asness has become a pioneer ‘quantitative’ methods of making money who try to profit from long-term market signals, instead of social media traders and financial managers.

AQR’s assets under management reached $ 226bn in 2018, but since then many of the methods he uses have been disrupted, costing him dearly. growth resulting in a reduction of several jobs at Greenwich, Connecticut-based hedge fund manager.

On Thursday, the company announced within it that its five executives had resigned and its lending position had been restructured, while its “long-term” fixed income that started in 2014 was completely closed, according to people familiar with the matter.

AQR declined to comment on the move, but Suzanne Escousse, a partner at the company, said in a statement: “We are committed to systematically investing in fixed, long-term and risky investments as we have done since AQR was established.”

The five “officers” were Michael Katz, the chief operating officer; Michael Patchen, head of accident; senior researcher Ari Levine; Scott Richardson, director of regular financial research; and Chris Palazzolo, AQR’s chief financial officer, according to people familiar with the matter. The results will leave 38 executives in the company.

read more cuts on the AQR here.


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