Psychology Why Art Fan Is So Fun
I fell Among Us, most players discount games, strong and fast. Although I haven’t played any video games in over 10 years, I now play half-week and develop fan art for the first time. First was the ornament, then the uplifting banners, then the Peep dioramas. I had become an avid imager with the blink of an eye.
What happens? Why did I see the need to create art in someone else’s world, as so many others have already done for me? Talk to experts in the field and more Among Us artists who like to reveal that fan art has many benefits for its creators, as well as for other fans.
But what is fan talent? When interviewed over the phone, the entertainment expert Meredith Levine describes art as “artistic design by someone else for the benefit of themselves or other fans.” Or something to deceive themselves. Humor is everything a person can have, Levine says.
Most people can become proficient in business art, which is seen in graphic design for comedy books or at other conferences. Some may have seen work on websites like DeviantArt or Author. But the tastes are more than just movies or similar ones. Fun can include games, productions, people, artists, and much more, says Levine.
Fan art is part of the fan base. There is also a fan fiction, written in a sex world, or cosplay, which wears as part of the world’s ideology.
Skills to Build and Have Fun
Lynn Zubernis, a psychologist and professor at West Chester University of Pennsylvania who has written extensively on fraud, says it is important to remember that not all fans are creative. But for people who do this deceptively, they like to be encouraged by it, and “they want to associate with them in some way,” says Zubernis, “you want to make yourself a part of the world that you’ve become a fiancé.”
Some creators want to develop their interest through their creativity. For example, YouTuber 3D Print Guy, who created the animation tragic trilogy of Among Us, had grown up with fake science fiction movies like 2001: Space Odyssey and Thing, and thought he wanted to bring the same power to the world of Among Us. In a phone interview, he explains that while he was working on a trilogy, he was amazed at how many stories could be told on Skeld, a spaceship map that is smaller in the game, and probably the most popular.
Fan art can also be a car of respect or creativity. Levine explains that art allows people to “practice art in the universe. There are people who really want to know the magic they use, and their curiosity makes it a great way to improve their skills.”
3D Print Guy says that part of the reason they started the show was to learn these new skills with each video they make. With his trilogy, he realized that he had to make more decisions in making videos than ever before, such as using music that could affect movies. And when it comes to making more and more professional videos, they say, they’ve used the same skills in future movies.
Self-Esteem in New Worlds
Not only do artists tell new stories and learn new skills through their work (or multiple times, play), art can be a vehicle for self-discovery. Mu research with young artists around the world, especially 14- to 24-year-olds, Marjorie Cohee Manifold, a professor of arts and education at Indiana University, also said 70% of participants “said they were attracted as fans and others to popular stories because they saw the virtues of the people who want to be with or to imitate. ”In short, as their lives progressed, these people were attracted to countries or celebrities who had a form they wanted to have in their lives.
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