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Poor Magic 8-Ball Reveals How You Will Die


Since 1946, the brave have been relying on Abe Bookman’s Magic 8-Ball to help guide their most important decisions in life, but there is one question that the doll has not been able to answer: how can anyone die. That’s why Stuart Gorman created the file of Dangerous 8-Ball which instead exposing dangerous human trafficking.

Although they are immediately mentioned in the brand name, there is no real magic that makes Magic 8-Ball happen. Remove one open one and discard the dark blue solution and inside you will find a dead icosahedron filled with printed answers that appear randomly as it floats until the window opening of the folded ball. As Magic GIF Ball by DJ Harrigan, Gorman designed their 8-Ball from scratch, starting with a 3D printed billiard ball that exchanged the number eight above with a suitable and dangerous skull.

Inside the Gorman was an Arduino Nano board connected to a 1.6-inch fixed LCD screen, a lithium-ion battery, and three mercury-filled switches that simply transmit electrical energy when the Tragic Fate Ball is turned on the ground. This feature not only enhances the battery life of the ball but also ensures that the screen is transparent and reveals the future when the ball is spinning, like a real object.

Can sad football predict the death of a person? Let’s not expect it not because the randomly coded CODs set up here include threats like “Fall of the Whale,” “Running with a Spear,” “Frozen Carrot Shiv,” and “Swallowed Rubik’s Cube” all of which sound like bad ways to go on. We appreciate the experiment here, but a simple warning on video, something like “Ignorance is fun, are you sure you want to know?” it may be an accepted request.


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