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Peleton discriminates digital members from students and the military


Peloton cuts its price digital membership for students, health workers, teachers, first responders, military and military families. The service usually costs $ 12.99 per month, and offers access to the entire company’s library including live classes, but does not require special Peloton equipment.

The cheapest discounts are for students, who can sign up for $ 6.99 per month, and can keep the cost as long as they can prove they are still students each year. Health workers, educators and first responders can sign up for $ 9.99 a month, and second, and annually annually. Military and military families pay “$ 9.99 for life,” without further ado. The 30-day trial is available before you volunteer to sign up.

We watched Peloton Digital versus Apple Fitness + and other activities like Daily Burn earlier this year. See our home payment card in deep vision and analysis.

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