Neuralink President Max Hodak Announces His Leaving Company

Max Hodak, president of Neuralink, a company whose purpose is to connect the human brain with computers produced by Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, he cried he said he left the company a few weeks ago. Hodak did not give any reason to go.
Mu post on Twitter Saturday, Hodak, founder of Neuralink, he said he learned the “ton” from the company and that he remained “great rejoicing ”over that. Even Hodak he did not disclose where he was going, said he was going to new things. In response to the comment, he seemed to pass through “Jurassic Park” as one way, its interpretation recent words that Neuralink can make a real brand of the Steven Spielberg National Park.
“They can’t be legal dinosaurs yet,” Hodak said said on Twitter on April 4, I add a dad ignoring the emoji. “Maybe 15 years of parenting + expertise to discover new types of exotic.”
As a man who often dreamed of the dangers of dinosaurs as a child because of Jurassic Park, And no thanks.
Initiationd in 2017, Neuralink wants to use ultra-high bandwidth brain connection, or chips that we can insert, to connect the human brain with computers. Musk said various applications about marketing, allowing a disabled person to use their cell phone and mindset to allow the disabled to travel again. Neuralink can also help people achieve a “partnership” with creative intelligence, according to Musk, allowing us to stay at the same level as our top technology.
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Neuralink made headlines in April when he said he managed to get a monkey named Pager to play this video Pong
with his ideas and print a video that seems to show this. Researchers placed Neuralink on both sides of the nine-year-old brain of macaque monkeys about six weeks before filming the video.
Before you learn to play Pong, the researchers taught Pager how to use the fun, and gave him a smooth banana prize given through the grass as he moved the sign to a bright spot on the window. Doing so allowed Neuralink devices in his brain to record his activity through more than 2,000 electrons mounted on car parts, which he monitored. hand and arm movements.
More information was found in the Neuralink decoder algorithm to predict how monkeys move hand. After a few minutes, the decoder understood the Pager’s shape enough that the monkey no longer needed the excitement to move the cursor. Page he can move it with his own mind, the narrator of the video said. Demonstration of so-called MingPong results.
Men are not the only ones who have Neuralinks in their brains. The company also exists testing his expertise on pigs, though not released every pig show is playing Pong. Musk claims that the Food and Drug Administration gave Neuralink the opportunity to act as a “drilling tool,” group which facilitates the development, evaluation, and evaluation of medical debad.
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