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Leading NASA’s mission at Asteroid Psyche


Satellite company named Maxar recently donated a bucket to carry passengers on the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. This chassis acts as the backbone of a robotic spacecraft that will first detect a metal asteroid. This ambitious project, called Psyche after its popularity asteroid investigates, is set to launch next summer on the Falcon Heavy rocket.

When in space, a new space-based vessel, called the Hall thrusters, reaches the asteroid. This will be the first time a tool has entered deep depths using the Hall shooters. Without this expertise, Psyche’s work would probably not work out – yes, not for less than $ 1 billion.

For David O, a large, boxy chassis represents one of the “all-round” moments in life. More than two decades ago, he worked as a professional Hall thruster as a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He will continue to work in Space Systems / Loral, which prioritizes the technology of major commercial satellites and later Maxar will purchase.

After working on the launch of commercial satellites operated by Hall thrusters, Oh left the secret society in 2003 to come to NASA’s JET Propulsion Laboratory, where he worked on a number of projects, including flight Interesting for Red Planet in 2011. He is now leading Psyche’s professional career.

“I’ve been working in electronics for more than two decades,” he said in an interview.

And now, Hall O video technology has worked out as the final student will take over NASA in a new place: Psyche. No airplane has ever sailed such a world, made up of 60% metal. We really have them they have no idea how it will look.

Electrical-powered trees are ideal for removing rockets from the ground if you need more power to get out of the earth’s gravitational force. But rocket launchers are not the most fuel-efficient machines in the world, because they make their own fuel. And when the plane arrived danga, there are other ways to prevent oil in check.

One of these is solar panels, which use solar panels to extract energy from the sun, which makes gas, especially xenon, more attractive. It’s not a lot of extras. Basically, it’s light. Each of the Psyche mission throwers carries about the same power as that held by two or three parts in his hand. But because of its thermal energy, the solar panels do not burn for a few minutes. It burns for months, making them run faster.

NASA has been testing this technology for some time. The space agency attempted to experiment with electrical engineering in its Deep Space 1 mission, which was launched in 1998, and then in the Dawn mission in 2007 that went to Vesta and Ceres in an asteroid belt.

These vessels use ion weapons. In contrast, hall users use a simple design, which is equipped with magnets to prevent damage. The game was made in the Soviet Union and later adapted for sale by Maxar and other companies. Many satellite communications in geostationary orbit today, such as those that provide DirecTV, use Hallkeepers to host stations.

But now, for the first time, it is being used to create deep space. NASA and Maxar believe the technology is ready, but it needs to be confirmed in new locations.

“It’s always a big issue when you go the earth’s path,” said Robert Curbeam, a former astronomer and vice president at Maxar. “The farther you go from the Sun, the less energy you will receive from the solar system. The areas with radiation will be different. And there is a question that we can continue these thrusters for a long time.”


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