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iPhone 13 Pro Macro Mode Almost Easy to Use


A photo of Apple's story is preparing for the most frustrating iPhone 13 Pro

Picture: Caitlin McGarry / Gizmodo

The iPhone 13 Pro it has a built-in camera with advanced telephoto glasses, Cinematic video recorder, and a large screen that gives you the opportunity to shoot at close range. The macro effect is incredibly cool. But Apple has not given the owners of the iPhone 13 Pro a huge boost in shooting macros. This is about to change.

In the beginning, the 13 Pro camera only changes colors when you are close to an object, and I do this with a visual change that was fun (and a little janky Apple app, to be honest). In iOS 15.1, Apple introduced a slight overhaul of the main features in the Settings app, allowing you to change the look of Auto Macro on or off. But this was not a good idea, because then you had to switch to a larger camera manually and plug in to take a macro-not-motion as it should, and the results were not the same. auto macro on my test.

That’s why Apple is back to the dashboard and with iOS 15.2, coming out sometime soon, you will be able to change the macro format directly in the Camera app as the environment requires. The new method, which was first seen by 9 to 5mc, has just been released in the beta 2 version of iOS 15.2. When I set up the beta, I found that it was easier to use than the previous set of macro mode.

Just get close enough to the object you want to shoot and look at a small floral image to appear on the camera display. Click on it, and you have started macro mode. You need to make sure you go into Settings> Camera> Auto Macro and make sure the settings are turned off before flowering.

iOS 15.2 promises to be a major update. In addition to the easy-to-use macro mode, Apple is also releasing its Digital Legacy section for selecting your loved ones as account holders in the event of your death (frustrating, but important) and the Messages section that will stream pornographic images sent to. children and provide them with an opportunity to access resources in cases of violence. And, finally, the iOS 15.2 update for My Find allows you to see anonymous people near you ban the use of AirTags as smuggling tools. Macro mode mode is probably the most important factor in a large, yet effective change. iOS 15.2 is expected to be released in the coming weeks, and, of course, things could change slightly from beta production to public release.


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