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The (Late) Race to Move the Forest in the Time of Salvation

Wright notes that it can take up to 10 years for a person to begin learning about meaning. “That’s when I started believing,” he said. A lot of things can happen right now, and early growth may not make much sense. Other than that, the dead Douglas who hit me in Oregon did well in the early years of the study.

We found shade under the trees that survived the 2014 fire, and we became lunch. Thinking about the future of the forest is entering a period so unpredictable that it is difficult to conceive, but scientists like Wright have been in it for so long, thinking about life beyond them.

“I don’t see this big tall forest we’re planting now,” he said. Her baby can see it, or her grandmother. Caring for the future of any kind is speculative, he admits, especially at a great distance. “But I’m fine with this.”

As a member for the living, it can be difficult to understand how impossible it is, to be a reader, to be alive. Good quality beech, explains Wohlleben in Hidden Life of Trees, Has produced about 1.8 million bees in its lifetime. He writes, “From this, the same will grow into a tree of maturity, and in the jungle, there is victory, the same as winning the lottery.”

For Joshua trees, the challenges of successful reproduction are even greater. In order for Joshua’s tree to be born – a tree that lives in a much harder environment than beech – his mother needs flowers and sows when they reach maturity. The plant, which resembles a tiny house that is much smaller than a tree, needs to find a house that is suitable for germination and flowering. It is hard enough in the arid desert, and is even harder when the form is hot. Its best practice is to find a place to go under the nurse shrub or black berry, where it can grow protected from the wandering jackrabit chips. It would be especially beneficial to have a space above the symbolic mushroom that sits beneath the salt sand and can help the baby Joshua to grow. If the tree is beyond the scope of early life, it needs 30 to 60 years before it is ready to reproduce. Then it relies on the yucca moths to dry it; otherwise, it will not bear fruit. Only then, after this miraculous turmoil can be reversed, and when Joshua’s tree will establish the seed, the whole cycle repeats itself.

Scientists have studied the survival of the Joshua tree in low-lying areas – for example, if people continue to use it and produce sperm – and have found that by 2100, Joshua’s woodland will be in Joshua Tree National Park in California, even existing trees in the category of drought tolerant trees.

Lynn Sweet, a botanist who studies Joshua trees at the University of California, Riverside, told me that her team has found that, at times, with less air pollution, “we can save up to 20% or park and surrounding areas,” assuming the moth and mycelium also contribute to this.

When it comes to nature conservation, people think of their favorite forests – the place where they grew up, the place where they got married, or where they go for a weekend getaway, a zoo known for their well-known trees. These places – Sequoia National Park, Olympic, Muir Woods, Everglades – are very spacious together. “I often like to laugh with the press,” Sweet told me, “no one is coming to write an article about climate change on the bushbrush bush,” a species that is equally endangered in the desert.

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