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India’s COVID cases exceed 25 million, deaths increasing by 4,329 | Coronavirus News Plague


India’s total cases of coronavirus exceeded 25 million, motivated by 263,533 infectious diseases in the last 24 hours, while COVID-19 deaths increased by 4,329.

India will be the second largest country in the world after the United States committed these atrocities. The total number of cases in the country is now at 25.23 million, while the death toll is 278,719, according to a Ministry of Health report on Tuesday.

The number of daily cases began to decline last week, with new cases on Monday reported 281,386 cases – the first time cases dropped to less than 300,000 since April 21.

Despite the decline in morbidity in recent days, experts have said there is no clear indication that the disease has worsened, fears increasingly at home and abroad in the recent changes of B.1.617.

“There are a lot of areas in this country that are not yet fully developed, are still going strong,” World Health Organization chief scientist Dr Soumya Swaminathan was quoted as saying in The Hindu.

Swaminathan described the high level of global optimism, about 20% of the tests that took place, as a sign that there could be evil to come.

“Testing is not enough in most countries. And when you look at the high expectations, it is clear that we are not trying hard enough. And so absolute numbers don’t mean anything when taken alone; should be evaluated in terms of the amount of testing that has taken place, as well as the measurement of expectations. ”

Hospitals had to evacuate patients when mortuaries and crematoriums were unable to cope with the accumulated bodies.

Photos and television footage of the crematoriums in the car park and baths along the Ganges River have added to the anger of the government.

Most people agree that these statistics ignore the impact of the plague, with some experts saying that actual illness and death may be as many as five to ten times as many.

As India’s first pandemic, which erupted in September, spread to cities, where testing was urgently launched, the second wave that began in February is passing through towns and rural areas, where about two-thirds of the 1.35 billion population they live, and experimentation in those places is very rare.

“This decline in the number of serious cases of COVID in India is deceptive,” S Vincent Rajkumar, a professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic in the US, said on Twitter.

“First of all, because of a little experimentation, all the cases are very serious. Second, foreclosure cases can occur where you can be sure: urban areas. Rural areas are not counted. ”

While the closure has also helped reduce the number of cases in some parts of the country affected by the outbreaks in February and April, such as Maharashtra and Delhi, rural areas and other countries are facing new surges.

The government will provide detailed instructions on Sunday to investigate cases of COVID-19 and the Ministry of Health to ask communities to treat people with flu-like illnesses and test them for COVID-19.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been criticized for his message to the public, the idea of ​​abandoning major elections in foreign affairs, and the gradual launch of a vaccination campaign for the world’s largest vaccine maker.

India has vaccinated more than 40.4 million people, or 2.9 percent of the population.

A medical professional resigned Sunday at a government-sponsored scientific consultation meeting to identify several species of coronavirus.

Shahid Jameel, chairman of the scientific advisory panel at the conference called INSACOG, declined to say why he had resigned but said he was concerned that government officials were not providing enough evidence to establish the facts.


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