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How To Stay Cool Without Ventilation & Temperature Protection

Many areas of The earth is warming. Global warming and the tropical island, where the urban environment attracts heat, makes the climate extremely harsh – sometimes extremely dangerous. This is the only planet we have, not enough to live on Mars, so you can learn a few more things to deal with heat.

Air purifiers are is still a luxury because many people, and even in the US and Canada it is not found anywhere. In addition, people trying to reduce environmental impact often choose to go without air-conditioning, which raises city temperatures by pumping outdoor heat. In addition, the energy can be released over a long period of cooling. This manual contains tips on how to keep cool if it is too hot and air conditioning is not available.

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Symptoms of High Heat and Stroke Stroke

A handbook from the CDC describes the different types of heat-related diseases.

Photo: CDC

Whether indoors or outdoors, the heat can be a nightmare if you are not careful.

Cold fatigue it is the end of the heat, dehydration, and other factors that fill the body with cooling, which leads to many problems. People who are tired from the heat can fight and be confused.

As in the wilderness the first responder, I meet people who are suffering from fatigue, and it is one of the most powerful parts of the process, because they often do not need help. I meet a lot of people who have roads, hiking, and starting kayaking. I try to settle them down, drink cold water, and eat hot salty foods. People love free snacks. And a smile.

Heat it is the development of heat sensitivity that lasts a long time. A person with this condition is at high risk, and someone should take immediate action to save his or her life. They usually have hot, red skin, high fever, and high fever (above 103 Fahrenheit), and are often tempted to fight you off. They may also faint or die because they cannot receive food or water. Set them down in the shade, pour cold water on all four major arteries – groin, armpits, and back of the neck – and get help quickly.

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