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How the US Can Achieve Biden’s New Goal


Starting a (approximately) climate summit this morning, President Joe Biden commended the United States for reducing its 2005 greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. ” and global sanitation, ”he said Paris Climate Alliance can reduce global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above industrial levels – a task that would require public participation. “We have to get out of the way now to do this, “added Biden.” Then we will breathe easily – literally and figuratively. “

But what does the path look like? What technologies do we need to unleash, and what kinds of crashes and holes can we expect when the United States reduces its emissions? Biden did not specify his address, so we asked climate experts to consider how this could happen.

Fix a Broken ‘Worldwide’ Grid

With the rise of solar and wind power, the US is on a mission to generate electricity: Air emissions are declining 37% since 2005, however, as a result of the exchange from coal to gas. But the old, fragmented party is halting the green power system.

The grid is actually two – Western Interconnection and Eastern Interconnection, which meets the eastern border of Colorado and Wyoming – plus a small autonomous state in Texas. Although these networks may share power across their borders, they are not designed to work together.

This is a big problem given the intermediate form in the transition. Without sunlight in the southwest regions, the region would be unable to generate electricity. But it is not possible ordering energy from, west, west, where the wind may be generating more energy. And vice versa: If the winds do not blow, the Midwest will not be able to absorb solar energy from the Southwest. Similarly, when Texas cooled in February, it cannot absorb most of the energy from everywhere.

Creating power lines for power grids connected to these different grids will not create a stable, but green system, as renewable energy can be distributed across the country. “Being able to send more energy when needed is crucial to achieving more energy,” said Zeke Hausfather, a climate scientist and director of climate and energy at the Breakthrough Institute, which advocates for climate change. “We won’t lose all electricity by 2030. But we can make more wind and solar, and breathe all our coal, easily.”

A Good Grid Opens Up The Way Of The Most Powerful Vehicle

When more energy is shut off around the world, we can better choose the direction. The federal government can sell large sums of money in power stations, all connected to the green grid. The potential benefits are substantial: Travel Guides a 28 percent of greenhouse gases in the US, approximately the amount of electricity itself.

WIRED technology for Climate Change

The world is warming, the weather is getting worse. Here is all you need to know about what people can do to stop destroying the earth.

And in order to assure people that their EV will take them to their destination before it dies, we need a global automotive network. “This is one of the biggest investments, especially in the unpredictable infrastructure that connects electricity.” – University of California, Los Angeles climate scientist Daniel Swain. “And then you give it all the power, especially.”


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