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Google wants to make shopping easier in Pictures and Chrome


Buying a job is probably not what most people think of when they go to Google, but it is a big part of its business. And it was on I / O 2021, the company is offering a two-hour event session on promotional activities purchases on its sales. Mu PicturesFor example, Google has added a “Lens within the screen” Lens. So you say you keep a picture of Steph Curry, Google Lens will try to find things that match what is being photographed.

Mu ChromeIn the meantime, Google has added a section to help you live up to your expectations. Once you open a new tab, you’ll see all of your cars open in the middle of the page. So if you are buying something but are confused, Chrome will also be available to remind you that you have not completed your purchase. Pushy yes, but maybe not as dangerous as the emails you get when you leave the trailer.

Google is also expanding its partnership with Shopify. Going forward, the company wants to make it easier for Shopify retailers, all 1.7 million of them counting, to make their products on Google products such as Search, YouTube and more. Finally, the company will soon allow you to associate your favorite apps from vendors like Sephora with your Google account. The company will use this information to indicate your purchase options.

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