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Google Home Max is $ 150 for the first time since Friday


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Google may have it late last year, but you can still find them being sold to unscrupulous retailers online. And as it happens, A4C has downloaded a smart speaker up to $ 199.95. By using the exit number “SLICK25,” you can earn an additional $ 49.98 from Home Max, making $ 149.97 pre-tax and shipping. Last time you can buy Home Max under . The price is $ 400 when it first comes out, in recent months we have seen it cost around $ 180 to $ 200.

Buy Google Home Max on A4C – $ 150

We gave Google Home Max a score . Everything we said about the speaker back then remains to this day. It sounds great, it’s easy to set up and comes with a 3.5mm connector and Bluetooth connection, making it easy to connect to other sources. And even though Google has stopped selling Max’s House, it continues to support it with software updates. At $ 150, we think Max Home is the thief. For only $ 50 more , you will find the speaker very well. And if you want to get on the stereo trail, $ 300 will make for a great setting.

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