Germany releases Covid ban on vaccinated people

Germany needs to lift restrictions on people who received the Covid-19 vaccine earlier this week, which some say is against young people who are still months away from receiving a jab.
The bill was approved on Monday by a German “corona cabinet”, chaired by chancellor Angela Merkel. It is said that people who have received the Covid-19 vaccine or who have recovered from the disease will no longer be given time or restrictions at meetings.
The law was drafted by Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht, who said since the people were no longer a threat to others, restrictions on their right to freedom should be lifted. Officials hope to be passed by the German parliament earlier this week.
The move comes as a result of Germany’s frustration over the devastation of coronaviruses that are now entering their sixth month. Human rights activists were intimidated by a the new law issued last month that empowered the central government to set curfews and other restrictions on coronavirus-infected areas. Some critics and members of parliament say they have violated German law and are appealing this to the country’s highest court.
There is also anger at low vaccination rates, although it has accelerated in recent days. About 23.5m people have received less vaccination in Germany, and of these, 6.66m are enrolled. But this represents only 8% of the population, compared to 55.8% in Israel, 23% in the UK and 32% in the US.
German law continues elsewhere in Europe. In Denmark, people who have been able to show on their “coronapas” that they have been vaccinated, or that have received adverse PCR effects within the past 72 hours, or have already been ill, can visit restaurants, bars, pubs, museums, dozens of works of art, libraries, zoos and pastures.
French authorities are working on developing a so-called “passe sanitaire”, which would give people the opportunity to travel abroad as long as they receive a vaccine or have a CVid-19 defective test. President Emmanuel Macron has said that people will not display such a license to go to restaurants, bars or shops, but that they may be required this summer at major conventions such as concerts, festivals or conferences.
Lambrecht’s law states that people who have received a jab of Covid-19 or who have recovered from the disease may enter shops or hairdressers, and go to zoos or botanical gardens, with no side effects. They may also come in contact with other people who have been vaccinated and their relatives.
In addition, recipients of Covid-19 firearms will no longer have to travel to other countries for treatment unless they return from countries where viral infections have increased.
German government spokesman Steffen Seibert said it was not about giving those who received the shot a chance but “giving them relief and relieving them…” From other restrictions, according to their rights in accordance with international law “.
With more than 60 people in Germany currently receiving bribes, there is concern that only the elderly will benefit.
Tilman Kuban, head of the Christian Democrats’ youth wing, the Young Union, said the bill should be expanded to include all those who have tested positive for coronavirus.
“We should not send a sign that some people are allowed to walk and live a normal life while others will follow for several months,” he told Die Welt newspaper.
Another Christian Democrat leader, Daniel Günther, also said this. “Only 25 percent of the victims were initially beaten, and only a few did not do so,” said Günther, Schleswig-Holstein’s northern governor. In that case, “restoring human rights only leads to injustice”.
Additional reports of Leila Abboud
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