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Gas Drilling Is Important, Science Better Than Coal


Eating on vacation, as soon as you have the day off, is easy. You can take your time, take out your strong charcoal, light it in your toilet bowl, light a two-dimensional fire — and then lovingly keep your ribs, chicken breasts, or pig ribs in place. Eating on vacation is fun.

But what about the 22nd of June, or the 12th of August — when the time is in the 80s and all you want is to be behind you with a beer and a meat hunk? Instead, it’s 6 o’clock in the evening, you’re in the office, the kids need to eat at 7, and you have to go to the store.

This, my friend, is why the grill controls.

Look, I also like to cook on charcoal. It has one more undeniable advantage than gas: It is very hot. Glowing coal burns about 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit; when the air burns about 3,500 degrees Fahrenheit, there is a slight increase in the temperature of the fire.

And the brightest heat is what cooks your food on the grill. That’s why and grills use other surfaces for radiation, either with lava stones or ceramic plates or “Flavorizer Bars” on my Weber. This area is heated by a gas flame, creating a radiant heat emitted naturally by charcoal.

The charcoal burners have tried to tell you that their favorite oils lead to fragrance. This, then, is nonsense.

Your food does not know what causes the heat to subside, and as soon as the coals get hot, there is no aroma left in the charcoal. According to bible science science Modern Food, “carbon and carbon; when it burns, it does not give off its flavor because of the fried food.”

The taste of cooked food comes from a drop, not oil. When the temperature rises below the earth’s surface, fats, sugars, and proteins emit smoke and flames. That heat causes the new hard molecules that come out of the smoke and warm air to clog the food you are eating.

Nothing in this work depends on charcoal.

Intellectual Ventures founder, former Microsoft CTO, and world competition leader Nathan Myhrvold spent millions trying to understand food science and cooking. She tries to eat her meat, and that’s how she talks Modern Food, the real argument between the faithful “should not be that which is good. We need to know whether charcoal is needed at all.”

Still do not believe? You know what’s worse than eating fat, you snob? Not satisfied at all.

I can walk home with a grocery bag at 6:30 and eat chicken at the table at 7, and a happy family praising dinner. The most important thing in the world, the one thing that none of us have enough, that is declining until we die, is time.

Grill grill makes you time to use. Grill three times a week in the summer and you will save yourself all day. Day! Think about what you can do with the extra day, provided by your grill.

See file for the other side of the argument: why charcoal is better than gas (the answer may surprise you).

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