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Facebook’s first smartwatch is said to have a possible camera


More has come out of . The company’s next change in hardware could feature a display with two cameras that can be accessed on stainless steel to take pictures and videos.

You can share your artwork on Facebook pages, depending on About. This includes Instagram, which has significantly contributed to the download of the phone since its inception in 2010. The display team is expected to have a front-facing video camera and a 1080p rear viewing camera. There may be third-party tools with which you can connect the device. The drone extension can be very clear.

Facebook’s smartwatch is expected to arrive next summer. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

The watch can have heart-tracking features, which can make it difficult to sell to others, depending on how the company has been using the device for years. The device also claims to provide LTE connectivity. As such, buyers will not need to integrate it with the phone, which can reduce Facebook’s reliance on iPhone and Android devices to some extent. That said, the clock can run the traditional Android version and there will probably be a mobile app following it.

According to the report, the future smartwatch (which is said to be growing) will provide an opportunity for people to use something that Facebook has publicly mentioned: augmented real glasses.

It is possible that Facebook may choose not to proceed with its plans. However, since the company is said to have invested nearly $ 1 billion in the development of the smartwatch, there seems to be a slight possibility.

Facebook has been doing well with a variety of tools over the years. Although Oculus seems to be doing well, Portal intelligent displays do not seem to have lit up the world. The brief Facebook post on mobile phones with HTC did not work out. The program of HTC First he says he only sells about 15,000 units.

Vice president of Facebook for the truth and the truth Andrew Bosworth he replied to a recent report on Twitter. While he did not confirm his intention to release the smartwatch, he did not object to the same.

“We have said that we want AR glasses to be more effective – we are using technology that will make the connections sound better and more natural,” Bosworth wrote. “This includes research such as EMG, haptics, flexible devices that can be integrated with manual formats.”

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